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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It really astounds me how some people can behave in the ways that they do.

Why does a person two-times her boyfriend? Because the "falling" in love element is gone? Because she wants some thrill in her life? Because of her family background? Is it that hard to stay faithful in a relationship?

Why do you even get into a relationship if you can't be faithful to the one you've chosen to be with? Because you just want someone to rely on? Because you want a back-up plan? Because it doesn't affect you in another way to share yourself with more than one - the more the merrier?

Why do some people keep lying and putting up a false front? To protect themselves from others? Are you not suffering from inferiority complex? Do you not truly love yourself - the real you under the facade of lies? Does it not make you guilty for lying to your boyfriend-no.1 about your whereabouts, right in front of your fling/boyfriend-no.2?

Have you thought of the hurt that you'll inflict on your boyfriendS? And then ultimately, yourself?

Can you love yourself a little more?

And it escapes me how a person can willingly be a third-party in a relationship, knowing full well that she has a boyfriend. Won't you question her morals? Won't you feel insecure with her, if in the future you two really get together? It's hard for people to change. Call me pessimistic.. but do you really think that she'll change once she's with you? Can you even trust her when she's not around you? Or do you think to be with her 24/7? Do you really think she won't commit the same thing again?

I'm flabbergasted at the seemingly lack of moral direction of these individuals. Maybe some people are truly open-minded.. but we can't confuse morality with open-mindedness, or can we?

Maybe I'm still a conservative.. but I cannot bring myself to accept these kinds of behaviour. I'm not as open-minded, maybe I'm bias. But I cannot agree with such attitudes and behaviours.

I have my own set of moral values which I identify with, which apparently are not shared by some others.

To each his own

**amoi** XD

11:59 PM

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Why is the homepage of blogger always in chinese?

Anyway, I went to to 提灯笼 for the first time in don't-know-how-many years yesterday! Hahaha. Reminds me of the time when I was a kid.. When we'll just play with those paper lanterns and walk around the neighbourhood, then after that play with the candles! Hahaha.. I think paper lanterns are the best! I mean although those battery-operated ones are nice.. albeit damn noisy, but paper lanterns bring out the feel and essence or whatever of Mooncake/Lantern Festival.

Is it mooncake or lantern fest?! Hahaha

And I played with those tea lights too!! Hahaha.. Arranged my name with 'em on the sand and I think it's damn nice! Okay, I think I'm turning more and more narcissistic! I like how my name is spelt! Hahaha =D

**amoi** XD

12:10 PM

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's been a long time since I posted! Haha. Was blog hopping and sudd felt like blogging and so here I am.

Wells, time really flies. It's going to be 1 yr since I took A's soon but it just doesn't feel that long. And work at NCC had alr ended for 4 months alr.. I can still remember how stressed I felt during the initial weeks of work, and how I wanted to give up and quit, but I couldn't. Haha. In the end I still stayed for 6months! haha. And how I failed my first tp and the next one is coming soon. And sch has already started for close to 2months.

Econs is getting harder now and I've got parts which I don't understand. And was totally owned by the soci test we had last tues. And, I have a 3 pages long essay to complete for IBM by next mon. And to play catch up for the tutorials for math!

School may seem slack but it's not easy at all. Lots to study and there's alot of independent learning. And I feel I'm going out too much for my own good. Alr lagging behind and hearing from seniors abt how hard it is to score for exams is kinda unnerving.

Im actually quite scared I'll walk down the same path agn. I need to do sth abt it..

**amoi** XD

9:37 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is your True Fear?
Your Result: Losing Someone

You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either!

Being Alone
Where Your life is Going
Looked down on
What is your True Fear?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Hmms.. Quite true.. but I fear commitments too. haha

**amoi** XD

9:40 PM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

OMG! I drove from ubi all the way to amk! I can't freaking belive I did it! NEARLY stalled the car once, though. Luckily, I didn't. Or else can't imagine what the driver in the car behind will do if it really stalled

**amoi** XD

10:14 PM

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Scram, all you busybodies

**amoi** XD

10:58 AM

Saturday, February 28, 2009

So it's official, we'll be getting back our results next fri. I'm getting real nervous! and after getting back results, we still need to think of our next step; where to go, what course to take. haix. I still don't know what I want to study and it still has to depend on my results.

Anw, yest was the last day I'll be assisting this really nice doc 'cos she's going to the States for a year. Kinda sad to see her go. And before she went off, she still wished me luck for my results and said she'll see me 1 year later as a med student. hahaha. The chances of me getting into med sch is like.. non-existent?

And today I went down to the disgnostic imaging dept to speak to a radiographer and a radiation therapist. Wells, they don't seem as interesting as I thought they'll be. I don't know.. and there's the contact with radiation and stuff? i dont know.
I think I'll try asking my in-charge to see if I can talk to a physiotherapist or etc.

And I passed my ftt!

**amoi** XD

3:29 PM



YuMin a.K.a JeReLD
15th April


Lose weight
Understand what's going on in class
ThAt CaSiO WatCh!
Adidas sportsbag


Classical piano
Dancing - hiphop, modern, salsa
Wushu & Taichi



AdeLinE AMandA BeLiCiA ChInPiNG ChoNgHuI DaRiNnE DaRyL CS DaRyL BJ DiAnA EarNesT EstHeR GeNgYuAN HeEmMeI HoNgChiA HuiYinG HwEeTenG JacQueLInE JeSsLyN JiAYinG JiNRu JiNgYI JoAnNE ChiN JoAnNE GgGgGMA JoEe KahYaN KaIQinG KaReN KatArInA MaBeL MeiPinG OliViA PeiGiN PuQiN RyaN SeLenE SeLinA SHiRLynN SiHuI SimOnE SiWeE SuWeN ThiAmChyE TiMoThY.LiM TrAcY WaNChiNG WeiJiaN's RadiOblOG WeitonG WeIxiAN WEiYeE WilSoN WyNeE YuXiaN YvoNnE ZhEngEN ZhiWeN ANDsec4/1'05 -last day of school-


March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 September 2009 October 2009 October 2010


put anything u want here...

