Sunday, October 04, 2009
Why is the homepage of blogger always in chinese?
Anyway, I went to to 提灯笼 for the first time in don't-know-how-many years yesterday! Hahaha. Reminds me of the time when I was a kid.. When we'll just play with those paper lanterns and walk around the neighbourhood, then after that play with the candles! Hahaha.. I think paper lanterns are the best! I mean although those battery-operated ones are nice.. albeit damn noisy, but paper lanterns bring out the feel and essence or whatever of Mooncake/Lantern Festival.
Is it mooncake or lantern fest?! Hahaha
And I played with those tea lights too!! Hahaha.. Arranged my name with 'em on the sand and I think it's damn nice! Okay, I think I'm turning more and more narcissistic! I like how my name is spelt! Hahaha =D

**amoi** XD
12:10 PM