Last post of 2008!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008 is coming to a close soon, and the new year is starting(!), bringing with it a new beginning and new opportunities. A time for ppl to start afresh and get their lives in order, if they haven't already. And 2009 also marks the start of ADULT FARE for me! ARGH! Travelling will be so expensive and I'll be spending quite a fair bit of money commuting to and fro from work, which is like in Outram?
I'm a kid no more! I may be naïve sometimes, and I'm not sure whether I'm considered matured, but I'm quite sure I'm not childish! Hahaha =D
And I'm kinda lil scared for work in the coming year because the clinic is going to be so busy, what with all the docs coming back from leave and etc. and I'm not sure whet I can keep up or not. But I must try my best!!!
Will be posting up my new year resolutions soon. At least I hope it'll be soon... haha
**amoi** XD
8:48 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Today is my first day at work! My legs are tired! But I'm supposed to be walking and stnading more as the days go by! haha. Omg. Tired tired tired.
But I think the experience will be very good. Only thing is.. there's alot of things to remember! It's omgly alot alot alot. The many different kinds of forms for different procedures, the many steps, papers, medical terms.. omg. And they have lots of medical jargon! haha. Alot alot alot of things to remember.. And we have to be fast! But I'm a naturally slow person! OMG! ARGH! And we MUST do everything correctly! No room for others!
There's still alot for me to learn! And I have to learn them fast! OMG!
**amoi** XD
11:04 PM
Wushu Farewell for J2s'08
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Had wushu farewell today! Really miss the wushu ppl.. Haha. Had lots of fun playing mahjong, watching dance videos, and some funny and nice vids on youtube that they recommended. And THANKS ALOT JUNIORS for the sumptuous bbq dinner!!! Thanks for working so hard to barbeque food for us! I know I just sat there and kept demanding food.. =X haha. But really had a great time! And Tim Lim came down there 'cos he lives near and JoEe, me and him had a nice chat~ Haha. Tim Lim the organiser for gathering! =X haha.
And we took lotsa pics!!! And the farewell gifts are very sweeeetttt and kkaaawwwwwaaaiii desu! Thanks alot for the effort and stuff!! Just love the wushu ppl man.. Just feel really great hanging out with them! Haha.
Really had lotsa fun taking pics, talking, crapping and looking at them work! Haha~
And I took a family photo with my daddy and mommy of AJWushu! Haha.
Like the FIRST family photo. Hahahahahaha~~
Some pics! Rest will be in FB! hahaha!

**amoi** XD
2:44 AM
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Yesterday was AJ's Dinner and Dance~ Haha. Wells, I had a seriously hard time trying to do the makeup. Anw, I think it's screwed la but due to the fact that it's LIGHT makeup, it wasn't very obvious. At least I think so. Haha. And rites, you should see the people. They really dress up for the event. Should compare last year's and this year's.. Some of them are really like omg. Haha.
And I took a photo with BB! Like.. OMG! haha. Was telling my friend I'll regret if I don't take a photo with him! Haha. I'm happy person~
And all the class photos and stuff! I just love taking photos! Although I look crap in them.. Haha. But yeah..
Let the photos do the talking!

Im lazy already! FB! Haha
**amoi** XD
5:05 PM