Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The intra-class pool competition was carried out rather successfully today~ Wahaha. It's kinda fun to play with everyone and laugh at the stewpig stuff some of us did.. Esp. JinHui.. Lame until cannot.. Haha. And I wanna win Kian Song and Cassandra!! Lost to them.. and I wanna play with more people!! haha. We played from 1230pm to 6pm! Uberly fun~ Yi Xiang won the competition.. And his prize.. pay the excess for our pool charges! WAHAHA!! So evil of us..
I'm thinking of planning a monthly pool ocmpetition.. At least for the next 2 months. Think it's gonna be fun.
Can't wait for chalets and SL.. And I wanna work!!! Spent like at least 550 bucks in Oct lar.. Extremely broke.. Wondering how I'm going to survive without much money for the chalets.
**amoi** XD
10:11 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I've been doing some thinking these few days, mainly 'cos I don't have much stuff to do what with the rest doing OP. Hmms.. I discovered that I do actually regret quite a few things that I did, and choices I made. Sigh.. I'm nvr a good decision-maker, and more often than not, I regret making those choices..
And I feel like I'm leading an aimless life.. No goal, no aspiration.. Nothing at all. I haven't found anything that I'm really passionate about, a subject that strongly interest me or what.. Everyday, it feels like I'm doing nothing constructive, nothing that I really really love doing.. Since I haven't found anything that I really like doing.. -_-"
Life seems so... goaless... so directionless to me.. I've absolutely no idea where I'm headed or where I'll end up.. or even where I want to go..
Why is that so..?
**amoi** XD
1:06 AM
Today's people..
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Are today's children becoming stupider or more spoilt? Read Sunday Times and there was an article about people complaining that the PSLE math paper was difficult, and they gave 3 examples of e math questions. And there was this retired teacher complaining that it's too tough for the average student.. Please, if there ain't any tough questions, how are they going to differentiate between the average students and those brighter students? If so, we won't need to have PSLE, O's and A's anymore.. 'Cos everyone will be able to do the questions. It defeats the purpose of having such major examinations.
And it's not that I want to say, but that particular retired teacher should go for re-training, or practise more math questions.. We shouldn't be too complacent and think that we'll retain all our knowledge and our mind will still be as agile when we do not constantly work to keep it active. He said he took like arnd 19 minutes to complete the 3 questions with the help of a calculator, when an 11 year old could do it under 20 minutes.. Don't know how long i took to do e questions myself 'cos I did it while watching the tv, but my brother told me he took under 10 minutes to finish them. Maybe I took a longer time.. =P Haha. Ain't as clever..
But the thing is.. I feel that teachers, students and parents alike, shouldn't be complaining that exam questions are too difficult. I mean, do you have to be able to do all the questions present to deem the paper as a suitable paper? And what's an examination paper without any difficult qn? If we can't do a paper, or even a question, we should take it in our stride and not go around complaining that it's TOO difficult. And actually, the fact that we can't do the question/s tells us that we ain't prepared enough, that we didn't cover enough ground. We should instead work on gaining more knowledge and experience so that if such questions were to come up again, we can do them with ease and proudly proclaim to the world that "Yes! I know how to do 'em questions!" We should work on equipping ourselves with more and better knowledge, and not putting the blame on the questions being too difficult.
And anyway, we can't expect our education system to be stagnanting when the rest of the world is progressing. What's aplicable now may not be applicable in the future. (Not that I like the education system.. Especially the JC curriculum..) And I heard that they are changing the JC syllabus in 2009 because the current one is too difficult!! OMG lar.. Actually I wouldn't mind an easier syllabus you know.. Maybe MOE can change sooner then allow us not to learn as much stuff in J2? Haha.
Fat Hope!
I don't know what's becoming of our society.. Where we complain about nearly everything and put the blame on other things, nvr reflecting on ourselves.
And I think coming up with an intra-class pool competition would be fun.. Haha. I seriously think that the favourite sport in my class in pooling..
**amoi** XD
7:12 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Saw the final mark sheet on Thursday.. Apparently they moderated my math and econs grades from S to E, so now I pass all 5 subjects.. CDEEE.. Ain't all that fantastic.. But it's the first time I pass so many subjects!!! Wahaha! Everytime I at most pass 2 subjects.. Mid-Yr I passed physics and GP only. Omg.. First time I passed all my subjects since O's.. Haha.
But we've got lotsa holiday assignments, esp. physics. Still hafta come up with a demonstration for physics.. But oh wells, i should be glad thay I'm able to promote.. =D
**amoi** XD
12:03 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hmms.. Got back results for the promos yesterday. It was really a nerve-wrecking experience can? 'Cos I know I really need to be promoted this time or else I'll be like wasting 2 years and my mama's "I told ya to go poly.. you chose this route yourself.." will come and haunt me.. Okay, results ain't fantastic but still can promote.. Got C D E S S for GP, Chem, Physics, Math and Econs respectively. Okay, I think it's quite lousy compared to what Za and the rest got, but still, it's kind of an improvement from last year's D E U U U, with all 3 H2 subjects getting U. But I can't slack off now.. My sec sch tuition teacher nagged at me again when he came over to give my sis tuition. He was like saying the horse year is a strong batch and they'll provide stiff competition, and they are cleverer and faster in grasping concepts.. It's only a matter of whether they want to play or stay concentrated and study.. And which means I hafta work doubly hard if I want to compete with them during the A's. I think what he said is true from what I see.. It's like you can see quite a number of people getting 3As.. I know my class got at least 2.
Haix.. I hafta start studying and brushing up my math or else my tuition teacher will give me shit when he starts teaching me again and discover that I know nothing about math.
And I really hope that everyone in my class can promote and all 25 of us can stay and be in the same class next year..
**amoi** XD
2:31 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Yesterday was the official last day of school for the J2s, and school started with a farewell assembly in the morning. After farewell assembly, Mer HuiQi and I went to do some duty in the library before going to find the 01/06-ers.. They gave us choco to eat~ haha. Mrs Low bought them these big pencil boxes and put food for them and they shared some with us~ =D haha. Didn't take any pix though.. They started doing math paper 1 by 1. haha. Jia You!!
Took quite a lotta pix with the wushu peeps though~ Daryl, Teng, Tracy and I went to KFC to eat after that.. The rest couldn't join us 'cos they've got class programmes or other stuff on. Talked and crap and got a maid in the end~~ =D haha.. We went back to school for open house after lunch.
I'll miss seeing the J2s in school.. the 01/06-ers and wushu peeps..
When I first got into AJ, I was kinda sad and feeling down 'cos I knew practically no one in the class and many already knew each other in the class 'cos they were from the 1st-intake. But once we got to know each other, we played and crapped and everything together and it really brought me lotsa joy. Crapping with Ah Liang, Nai ge and Ah Ping in Math lesson.. Gossiping with Shirlynn and Jacq during breaks and sometimes during lectures.. Talking about BB, HS, Hello2, and others.. =P Crapping with Selene.. PW-ing.. I feel fortunate and glad to be able to know the 01-06-ers..
And I decided not to continue with dance after being in it for 10 years, and joined wuhsu instead. Being with the wushu peeps really makes me feel super happy.. All the PT-ing and training.. Hard though it is, but sweating it out together, encouraging each other to persevere and looking out for each other feel great.. The competition.. The stayovers at both Daryl's places.. The wushu chalet.. Having dinner together after training and talking until it's late and we hafta rush home.. And alotta other stuff.. The wushu family makes me feel at home.. that there's somewhere I belong.

love ya guys.. Life wouldn't be the same without all you guys..
All the best for A's.. Chiong all the way!!
On a different note, I'm really scared about tuesday.. I'm an escapist and I don't wanna go to school on tues. I don't know what I'll do if I really can't make it..
**amoi** XD
8:31 PM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Finished promos on Friday but didn't feel at all happy after the paper. I was angry at myself for not knowing how to do the whole damned paper when the questions are oh-so-similar to those in the PJC paper and tys. And the thing is.. I did those kinda questions before and i know how to do them. But all my answers came out weird and stuff and the most important thing is - I screwed up the whole paper. I like Physics the most out of the 3 sciences subjects that I take and I practised and studied the most for it, and in the end I had to go and screw it all up.
I'm not confident of getting promoted. But I really want to promote 'cos it's a super waste of time to like spend 2 years in JC and end up having to go poly for another 3 years. I don't know why I'm wasting my life away like that..
Sometimes, I really detest the way I do things..
Why can't I live everyday to the fullest?
Why can't I live without regretting the stuff I did?
Why can't I be responsible?
Why can't I learn from past mistakes?
Why can't I be a more decisive person?
Why can't I change?
**amoi** XD
10:12 PM