Down down down..
Friday, December 29, 2006
Finally can log into blogger, but I still can't see my blog 'cos the page doens't load. Damn irritating, but i guess it can't be helped. Can't really rememebr what I wanted to blog about the past few days. Haha.
I like Zheng Yuan Chang~~~ OMG! haha. Finished watching KO ONE le. There's like so many people I like inside the show larh!! Cai Wu Xiong, Ji An, Ding Xiao Yu, Lei Ke Si~ Wu Zun quite shuai too. Haha.
So sian larh.. Hafta go for Orientation 1 or else will kena disciplinary actions. So lame larh. I was only planning to go on the first day then skip the other 2 days. And I'm in Pumera larh.. Tigris I think.. I want Cheetah lar!!
**amoi** XD
9:42 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Just remembered.. When I was walking home from the MRT station after work on Monday, I saw this guy wearing AJ PE shirt sitting with with his girlfriend and smoking lar!! Please larh.. Want to smoke don't wear AJ de shirt lehz.. Super disgusting can.
Went to school for wushu today. Was like 30min late la.. haha. Learned the BA for lion dance~ it's kinda cool larh.. But tiring on the hands. haha.
Went to JF's house after that. Her dad and grandma damn fierce alrh.. I think her grandma is pissed with us. She didn't answer any of us when we said bye to her. She's this really really traditional woman who prefers everything around her to be.. well, traditional. Luckily my grandparents ain't like that.. Or else I don't know how I'll survive larh.
Lotsa things waiting for me to finish~
**amoi** XD
8:00 PM
Worked yesterday and was paired up with Mer. I accidentally dripped some fish sauce on a guest! That was totally dumb lar! I was clearing their plates and I was just like swiping (or wahtever sword that is.. I can't think of a suitable word) the plate off the table larh. Was damn paiseh and all larh.. I hope she nvr go complain to the captain.. =x
I'm earning so little larh!!! I want work OT! Work until 6am.. Can earn alot lehz.. Haha. 12 hours~ But I don't know if I can tahan until then not larh.. Haha. I want a pair of flats I saw in Charles and Keith! It's really comfortable and wear and it looks quite nice too~ haha. Must earn more money!! Working this thursday agn and hopefull on Christmas Day and next thurs and fri and maybe saturday too. Earn moeny for the new school year~ haha.
booked my dental appointment le.. 9th February, 2.10pm. That's so long away lar.. First and probably last time going to the school dental service. haha. Private one is so ex larh.. I work one day then just nice to cover 1 visit to the dentist lar.. Maybe left with some money to go kopitiam eat lunch and that's all. Why am I so old?
**amoi** XD
1:03 AM
Cousin's wedding~
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Just got back from my cousin's wedding~ Haha. Okay, he looks quite shuai today~ haha. And Hao and I were like fooling around and stuff. I think I really should change the way I talk lar.. Wear feminine clothes but don't talk like one. haha. habits are ahrd to change yeah?
The food was quite good!! YumYum!! I love the prawns!! And I got to eat 5 prawns thanks to my sister and cousin! haha. They didn't want theirs~ More kilos yet agn.
People said I've slimmed down although my weight suggest otherwise. haha. So sad larh.. I think maybe it's 'cos of the dress I'm wearing. Haha.
I got godparents today. Actually they're just my uncle and aunt. They've been asking me whether I want to be their goddaughter since June lar. Haha. I guess I'm quie happy to have godparents bah? Haha.
**amoi** XD
12:17 AM
4/1 gathering
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Had 4/1 gathering today~ Haha. Around half the class turned up. Okay, actually Hui, Chong and I were just like living in our own world and talking amongst ourselves lar.. Made me realise that actually our class ain't that bonded. haha. And Pradip changed so much lar! The way he speaks and all..! The English accent.. Yo!Yo! kinda. Totally not Singaporean at all!! And it's so different from the way he speaks when he was in Anderson! All slangy and and stuff! Haha. But I guess tha's not a bad thing after all? Since Singaporeans tend to not speak very well sometimes.. Not all though. Some speak beautifully. Not me of course. I speak like some shit larh.
Anyway, we decided to have our dinner at Cafe Cartel in the end. It took damn long for them to serve us our food lar!!! They took the wrong order and gave us seafood platter lor.. Then we told them and they had to cook our Crispy Combo which wasted even more time lar! Anywa, it's really crispy larh! Piled on dont know how amny kilos le.. Damn sad. Haha. But I think the saddest have to to be Yu Duan bah? He waited in vain for his food and when he finally asked the waitress about it, they told him it'll come in around 10 min. Talk about good service. Most finished their food long ago larh!
We sorta parted ways with the class after that and the three of us then walked around for awhile before making our way home.
My mom bought me a dress lar!! She wants me to wear it to my cousin's wedding tomorrow and I think i'm gonna do it. haha. Cheers~~ Feminine me!
**amoi** XD
12:41 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Went for wushu training today. Nearly died man. My stamina sucks and I was feeling damn weak in the arms and legs. Argh.. So many things to train for, yet so little time to do them. Stamina, legs-strength, arms-strength. I da quan nua nua one larh. Sian. Received quite alot of constructive feedbacks during training. Gotta work on them man. I nearly vomitted when I did the balancing thing in my taolu. Damn it. Haha. Lucky never larh..
Anyway, we got the prezzie for the J2s le.. haha. I wanna one too!! I'm looking forward to tmr's baking session and J2 farewell dinner. Bonding time~ Haha. Dunno if I should wear skirt not.. KR asked me not to torture them by wearing a skirt. Haha. I think I'll do just that~ Haha. But still hafta see my mood tmr~ haha.
KR says I look like Alex from afar.. Especially with my new glasses. But I beg to differ.. It is he who looks like me and not the other way round! haha. But I still don't think we look alike.. Hmms..
One of the captains at the place I'm working thought I'm a Vietnamese (is it spelt like that?) hen he looked at my name tag. I don't think my name is that funny leh.. It ain't that hard to read what.. Hmms..
**amoi** XD
12:45 AM
Day out in Orchard
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
went to Kbox yesterday with Teng, Wilson, Sixu, Zheng En and MeiHui. Woke up late so reached there like 1145 like that.. They toot larh! Nvr tell me is 8th floor de.. Hai me go the 4th floor de.. Tooted. Then they say the room is 3K, but when I went there it's a couple larh! So paiseh lorz.. Argh~ But it was quite fun larh~ Sixu is so damn funny kays.. Kept wanting to sing, but then he always too gan chiong then sing very fast and out of tune de larh! Sing with him ya will always feel like going out of tune de.. Haha. But.. aiya.. I sing very nan ting also~ Haha. My voice is too thin.. Haha. Then after that we went to take neoprint~ yay!!! Haha. Then after that we went to walk walk around larh. Saw Derrick when we were on our way to Heeren. Anyway, we damn lame larh.. Go heeren then take escalator up to the fifth floor then come down agn. Ultra lame can. Then actually we wanted to go to Far East de, but decided to go Lucky Plaza's Macs for bonding session in the end. Haha. Crapped around and stuff like that larh..
They went home at 4+ while I made my way to City Hall to meet Rasiah and JF to buy Bels's prezzie. After that, we went back to Orchard to walk walk around and wait for the movie to start and Bels to arrive. Bought this Ink bronze bag for 40 bucks lar!! Argh! So broke now.. Don't know waht got over me lar!! I don't think it's worth it now lar. Waste money only.. And the more I look at it and carry it, the more I think it's not that nice anymore. The prev. Ink bag I bought was only 18 bucks lorz.. This Jf was like saying it's cheap then I was Huh.. Cheap arh.. Ok lor.. Then after that she told me she heard wrongly.. -_-" !!! Tooted.
Caught Eragon and I think the show is nice!!! I like the show~~~ Haha. Arrogant Eragon. They rhymes yeah? Haha. But he's not arrogant in the show lar.. Haha. Dragon rider.. Woot~ But it's a trilogy I think.. So must wait.. haha.
I wanna watch Night in the Museum and Death Note 2 leh!!!
**amoi** XD
11:19 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
You Are Somewhat Mature |
 You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart. While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later. |
**amoi** XD
3:04 PM
Got back from the wushu function le~ Sat at the same table as Coach's family larh! Then we don't dare to eat and everything.. Haha. And I don't know how to write alot of chinese characters la!! Tooted.. 1 year nvr touch chinese jiu shi like that. And my chinese ain't all that great to begin with.
Saw the retarded shikai lar! But me wearing feminine clothes today can't afford to spoil my shu nu image and kick his gargantuan butt. I'm so sorry JF!!! Didn't manage to help ya get your revenge. And he was still denying that he said I'm ugly when he said it behind my back twice in school. Retarded ass. And the stewpig JianBing said it's the truth what.. Omg.. My heart is shattered into a million pieces. I can't help it if I'm ugly lar.. Retarded asses. Sing somemore lar..
Decided not to go Pak's palce after the event ended and someone, whom Coach said I'm supposed to call him Shi Bo, sent me home~ Yay! Don't needa take bus. Haha. Thanks alot!! Lucky not Coach send me home.. Wear skirt cannot sit bike.. Later skirt fly up.. Haha.
Stewpig Coach went around telling people that I'm the girl who eats the most in the wushu team and this can be proven by the amount of fats I have. Damn it lar! And now more and more peopl know I'm retained lar.. No thanks to Coach.
Coach is 75kg.. or is it 72kg? It's either one.. Haha. He said it himself.. Lol. Not much better than me.. =p
**amoi** XD
12:50 AM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Just got back from piano lesson. Really malued myself again. Haha. I think i don't have ime to practise for next lesson too larh. Haix. I'm sucha busy person. Haha.
I'm so damn tired now! Got home from work at arnd 3+ going to 4am like that. Argh! My legs and hands are still aching now!!! And tomorrow still got work larh. Don't know how I'm gonna survive. Was like a zombie while working larh! Super super tired! Lack of sleep these few days. And I got $57.55 for yesterday's work~ And my dad decided to pay 1/4 of the price of my glasses, which means I'm only paying 1/4~ Wahaha. So got some money back from him le~ I think I should put the bulk of the money in the bank 'cos I overspent during the school term larh. Wasted 200 bucks.. The money in my bank account is depleting!
And I collected my glasses yesterday~ Wahaha! I'm so happy now. Now, I've got 2 glasses. I think I'll wear the old one at home. Haha.
Gonna go nap now.. Still hafta wake up 1 hour later to prepare ta go out and help coach in some function thing.. Haix.
**amoi** XD
2:58 PM
Wushu's Chalet~
Friday, December 08, 2006
I'm back from chalet! wahaha!! I know you people miss me rites?!
Anyway, chalet turned out to be quite alright, although it got boring on the nights. Haha. Can't really remember what we did on the first day other than mahjong-ing and mahjong-ing and more mahjong-ing. The whole chalet we are like playing mahjong hen we haven't got anything to do larh. Mahjong can get boring at times. Hmms.. I don't really know the tais and everything, like only the basics animal, flower, hu, zi mo, those kinda thing. Like don't know how to arrange your tiles until ya get as many tais as possible all thosekinda things. Haha. Must bai shi xue yi le! Shirlynn!!
Oh yeah, out of the three days, Tues night to Wed that stretch is the time when I slept the most for the chalet larh. Only managed to slp at 9am on Thurs morning and it only lasted until arnd 2pm like that, and I was sleeping fitfully larh. Only Tues got bed for me to slp in larh! The rest of the days dou shi wait for ppl to finish sleeping then can go onto the bed to slp. It's so damn cold can! And the floor is hard. =x
Anyway, we played soccer and captain's ball on the second day of the chalet. Soccer was quite fun lar, but I can't say the same about the captain's ball. Haha. 'Cos like I know the guys won't pass to the girls one larh.. It's alwasy like that de, 'cos they think we ain't good enough and stuff like that larh, and so I went over to sit on the chair hweeteng was standing on. Haha. Just rotted the whole game away. We also went into OCH at night~ I was scared larh! We din explore too deep into OCH though. haha.
Thurs we had treasure hunt~ It was fun lar. Haha. Walked here and there looking for the clues. We were the second grp to get back~ Played a lil mahjong and went to prepare the food for barbque with Teng and Alex 'cos we were hungry as we hadn't had our lunch lar! My lunch... We took a damn long time preparing the food larh! And the meanwhile, the rest had finished up the hotdogs and stuff.. Lucky we still have the seafood to eat larh! We decided to only take the seafood out until everything is ready so we won't have no food to eat. Haha. Was peeling and peeling and peeling the damned prawn shells lar! haha. And Alex damn pro can! Cut the fish, drain out their blood or wahtever shit is that, then take out their insides then wash and everything. Pro sia.. I first time see ppl prepare fish leh... Somemore from a guy. Haix.. I don't know everything lar.. I only know how to cook cup noodles. =x After that we took everything out and Alex started bbq-ing the seafood. haha. It was just basically waiting for him to cook the seafood and then we rush to eat them. haha. I like the prawns!! And stingray too! Yumyum. i think i gain weight agn larh.. Tooty.
Alex is the King of Mahjong, Kitchen, Dota & Map-reading. But his bluff.. hmms.. Definitely not King. Haha. And he looks like the rat in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show lar! And I can safely say he's ultra lame. We are roommates in Buangkok Green Medical Park. Kept doing lame stuff lar!
And I had to do the Ji Ben Quan with a few others in front of everyone lar! Toot. I can't remember anything abt that set lar! I didn't even finish learning it lor.. Damn it. Damn maluating. I was the only one who kept looking at the rest to see what to do. *hides face*
Checked out from chalet today and went to J8's Macs to have brunch. Slept on the bus ride there. haha. Damn tired. Ate, crap around, laughed at my ez-link card photo (-_-"), etc. Then some of us went up to check whether there's any show to watch not, but we din catch any in the end. Went home and slept till now. Haha. But it ain't really long larh.. Like around 3 hours only. Haha.
There's work tomorrow and I haven practise my piano yet. Damn. Don't hav time to practise tmr lorz.. Think gonna malu myself agn.
**amoi** XD
6:48 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Just finished watching the 3rd episode of One Litre of Tears on youtube 'cos I won't be able to catch it tmr due to chalet. Omg... I cried lar! The show is so gan ren can.. It's really very heart-wrenching. It's based on a real life story. We must really treasure our lives.. What we have now.. The most precious thing being Time.. We must live life to the fullest every single day for we do not know waht will happen the next day. We must treasure the moment, every minute, every second. Omg.. Make me regret even more for not studying for promos and now hafta waste one whole year studying again.
If you have time, watch the show on Channel 56 every Monday and Tuesday at 3pm with retelecast at 11pm and 0130am I think. Or ya can also go to youtube to watch it.
**amoi** XD
3:15 AM
Went for piano lesson yesterday at a later time slot with a new class. Was nearly 30 mins late.. But there was 1 person who was later than I!!Haha. They are so damn pro man! They just practise a while and they can paly the new songs! Damn!! I play so nan ting can!! They learn so fast one larh! Hmms.. At least the new class de people are like quite young and the hmms.. nicer looking? Haha. =P I think Idont have time to practise this week larh! I'll only be back from chalet on Friday, then I have a baking session in the morning to early afternoon on Saturday, afterwhich I'll go to work. My first day working at Meritus Mandarin Hotel Banquet~ SAJC and AJC are having their prom night there larh! Haha. But I'm not working so early yet. haha.
Went for the Thyphoid or sth de jab today and the doctor was quite.. hmms.. charming in a way? Haha. He's too old for ppl my age, but yet not really that old.. Like maybe late 20s to early 30s? Charming.. *nodnod* haha. And I made my nametag~ looks kinda cool and nice. I spent like around 50 bucks for my working stuff even before I start work lar! Have to buy the shoes and pants and nametag. Jiu shi work until 3am to earn back the money liao.. Learn from the auntie! Work 23 hours! Sure can earn back in 1 day de. Haha. And the hotel provides us with transport home~ If like the catered bus is full, then we can take cab home! Or maybe they need ya to stay back late to help them or what~ Haha.
I'm collecting my glasses on Friday~ Wahaha!
Don't miss me while I'm at chalet, people! =D
I'll miss my One Liter of Tears show on Tues.. Boohoo!
**amoi** XD
1:48 AM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Practised piano from around 5pm to 11pm with a few breaks in between. Dman. My cousin is so duper li hai lar! He just look at my score and plunge right in into playing it with only minimal mistakes. And he was like telling me his sight-reading ain't very good. Oh man.. Mine is shit can. He could tell me stright away that it's a F and A notes when I was trying to figure them out because they're like out of the normal 5-lines range and it's for the left hand. I can't sight read!! He was like telling met to lend him the pieces I learn so that he can try them. Haha. Anyway, the first time he played the piece and it's so much nicer than what I've practised for quite some time lar! Grrr.. Wo tan de hen nan ting!! Boohoohoo!! Was trying to learn Tong Hua just now and it's really hard!!! The fingers have to jump here and there larh!! Play until I got headache.. More like trying to read the notes.. Haha. Borrowed the tong hua score from my cousin. I can't find Daryl's Tong Hua score again.. I'll ransack my room for it!! Don't hafta worry.. it'll just take some time.. Haha.
Okay, going to sleep soon. Having Picnic with the WA at the beach tomorrow and they're forcing me to wake up at 630. Damn.
**amoi** XD
12:43 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
Went out at around 11 to meet Jacq at Amk stn before making our way to Chinatown to make my glasses. We ate unch at the Chinatown Macs before embarking on our journey to the specs shop. I think I will have trouble finding the shop when I go collect the glasses next friday lar! I chose a pair of glasses that is of a somewhat funny color. Haha. My mama said it's very lao qi when I told her the color larh.. hehe. It's brown. haha. Also don't know why I chose it now that I think of it. Haha. it's plastic one larh. Chose it because I've had metal frames all the while. But the brown.. Hmms.. Hope it'll turn out alright? haha. But I think I'll still be wearing contacts most of the time 'cos i'll still need to wear it for PE and wushu trainings, then it'll be damn wasteful if I open a new pair and only wear it for a few times 'cos I'm using monthly one. Yeah. haha.
I'm officially left with 5 bucks for wushu chalet. I wonder how I'm going to survive on that larh.. Haha. Hope my papa will gimme some money for chalet. Hehe.
Anyway, we went to Bugis to meet Shirlynn after settling the glasses. Walked around and blah blah blah. Damn sad lehz.. I'm like super fat larhz.. Can't wear alot of the clothes in Bugis village.. shit. Legs damn pain from all the walking larh!! Haha. I also want a bikini!! =P Lol... And I like Shirlynn's shirt alrh!!! Gimme leh... haha.
Went to meet my mom at Causeway after that. Ate and then went looking at clothes. bought some matured clothings~ =P haha. And I wanna buy 2 type of skirts leh.. Must wait for my mama free to go shopping agn. And I want a pair of flats too! Anywa, I tried several quit adult clothings and I must say, I don't look all that bad in them.. Hehe. Kick me bah, people.. I've decided that I must upgrade my dressing style to matured ladies de! But horz.. that takes time lehz.. 'Cos most of my clothes are quite kiddish and boyish.. Takes time and $$ to change. Wahaha~ I shall let you people see me in my matured clothings soon!
**amoi** XD
12:16 AM