Sunday, August 27, 2006
Very long nvr blog le... hahazz. Friday had wushu and I sorta like hurt my elbow. Was super painful initially and i was like "ARGH! can't stand it..." but the pain got bearable after a while. Then jiao lian help me massage and he was like saying my arm got so much fats, and i said it's muscle and not fats, then he retorted that it's like the "kong4 ba4" (hokkien i think..) like that.. -_-" whatever.. I know i'm fat. I just can't slim down and I don't know why. Okay, maybe I do have some inkling about it. Then the evil jiao lian walk past me and said "fei4" and I was like -_-". Wushu peeps are always suanning me lar! Despite that, I still love them alot larh... Although they get on my nerves sometimes. Haha.
Went to NTU yesterday to find books for our PW. Found some stuff we wanted and then we left to have lunch at their canteen. Can't eat cold stuff so ate guo tiao. After that I went to Bel's place. Very long nvr see her le! Miss the grp man.. Jia Fang came so late lar.. Tooted ass. Her mom cooked some stuff for us to eat~ After that went back to Bel's room and we talked larh. Bels.. Don't be too sad k? Life cotinues and we have to move on. Ya don't hafta let go of it completely to move on with life. That's what I feel like. I'm sorry I couldn't help ya much. I'm real bad at this kinda stuff and I'm not good at talking. Just know that we'll always be with ya no matter what happens and we love ya lotsa k! Anyway, played some audition before JF finally arrived and then she told me some sickening stuff like. That dumb shikai.. say I'm ugly lar.. ^&%^^*()&&$^ I ugly also dont needa say out de mah.. Can just keep it within himself and shut his mouth. Kick his gargantuan butt larh.. Shang hai le wo de bo li xin. bleahs. Nvm, Shirlynn said he's ugly, and he's short for a guy! WAHAHA. Not to say he's got a big fat butt for a guy too. Everyone agrees on that but so one said it in his face I think? At least my fren and her frens didn't. Reached home too late so didn't go see doc regarding the elbow.
Went for piano lesson in the morning. I think I'm dargging the whole class down larh. No time to practise and no place too. Then I think the teacher give up on me larh. Haha. I'm so not musically inclined. Afetr that went to Khatib to go to the Chinese physician abt my elbow. Then she press press then say got a little swollen. But it didn't look like it's swollen to me larh.. Must be too fat le. Haha. Then she massage massage.. Some parts quite pain, then like the fingers will ma diao for a while like that.. Then she rotate my elbow and asked me to tell her which part is painful but I can't really pinpoint it lar! Haha. Then she massage some more but my elbow there still feels kinda locked and painful like that when I straighten my arm or bend it to touch my shoulder. Then she wanted to try accupuncture on me and asked me whether I'm scared of it or not. I was like.. pain mah? Haha. And she said "nono.. Just hafta bear with it when the needle is being poked in, but after that will be okay." o.0 That means it's pain larh.. Then in the end my mum say dont try first.. wait for a few days and see whether it heals. Haha. So the chi physcician went to take this medicinal plaster or sth to cover my elbow and told me to leave it on for some time and to go back to her next monday if the elbow doesn't recover. I don't want accupuncture!! So i'm hoping it recovers. Haha. And she told me not to move it too much and don't carry heavy stuff, etc. and said don't da tai da li in wushu. So my mom asked me not to go for wushu training on Tues. Haha. Jiao Lian gonna say i'm weak. Haha. And the person asked me whether I play ball games cos my arm de fats/muscles are tense, and my mom told her I da wushu 'cos like she said some ppl the hand like luan luan flabby flabby. haha.. I'm strong!
Went to the dance thing after that. Couldn't move much and pak and jacq saaid I look like a dinosaur when I'm dancing because of my hand. Stewpig larh.. I can't dance larh.. Malu myself only.. Haix.. my rhythm is super lan and I loko retarded when I'm dancing larhz.. Boohoo..
Okay, gtg do Eom now..
**amoi** XD
9:20 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Did this cool thing..
My Personal Dna Report
**amoi** XD
2:05 PM
good quiz.. HAHA
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Did this quiz I found at pak's blog. People, if ya want to vomit, go other places bah.. Haha..
**amoi** XD
8:00 PM
school and wushu
Slept at 3+am on Friday and had to wake up at 6am to go to school. Super tired and couldn't really concentrate during Econs lecture. I sit directly in front (or behind.. see how ya view it) of the whiteboard and the OHP, then I had to face the other direction and I was like dozing off and waking a while later. Discrupted slp is not good yeah. Then after that was PE. Played netball. Not really exciting and fun like in secondary school. Missed seconday school PE lessons. Those were the days man. We played like there's no tomorrow and the game pace was faster. It was fantastic. Missed playing with Ade, Hui, Kat, Chong, Dino. Reminiscing about the apst... I miss them! I think my present class is not really the sporty kind of people. And wells, most of the girls don't really like playing basketball, I think? Which is a very very sad thing. Haha. It's a long time since I played a proper game and really train my accuracy and stuff. Although I'm like very lousy and stuff larh.. But I still like the game. It's a super nice sport!
Anyway, I feel that wushu training yesterday was tougher and more tense than usual. Jiao Lian practically didn't smile at all during the whole training. I was super scared of him larh.. Haha. Lucky he didn't really scold me much larh.. I like don't have enough air yesterday and stamina sucks like shit. And worse still, I boxed my own face. -_-" Okay, that was dumb. Heh. I'm still afraid of the trainings larh. I did quite alot of things wrong during the second part of the taolu and I was super scared he will scold me larh. Scary is the word to descibe him yesterday. Haix..
And rites.. Wilson said something really really justify a punch to his face. He said AJWushu is just like a big family (which is true~).. and I'm the pig that they yang3. !$$%^%&"%$!$%$£$^
Anyway, received some funny pics in the email..

This one is good.. Haha..
**amoi** XD
12:43 PM
Outing to Daryl Zhe Xu's place
Friday, August 11, 2006
Went to Daryl Zhe Xu's place to play and stayover on Wednesday, which is also National Day. Was late as usual, but although i was around 20 min late, I was sill the earliest girl to reach there~ Haha.. So anyway, waited for the rest to reach before making our way to Daryl's place. There got alot of big big houses larh.. And got one the swimming pool super nice and style one lar.. Haha. And Daryl's place is super nice too larh.. got sea view, then wind very big very shuang, and I like his living room!! Especially the curtains.. and sofa and tv.. haha.. Actually everything lar. And then his room super white and doesn't look like a guy's room larh. Got tose soft toys and ornaments and stuff. And very neat, that is, before we invaded the room. Haha. We watched the fireworks display at his place too and it was super clear and beautiful and awesome and everything lar! It was ultra nice!! Then after that we went to Kbox and stayed there for the next 5 hours. Haha. Daryl's dad treated us and it was super nice of him to do that larh.. On top of having us over at his hse. Thanks alot!! We sang and sang and sang. The guys were super shy and stuff initially I think? 'Cos they don't wanna sing. Haha. So anyway I sing so horribly nan ting le until nothing more could go wrong, I just take the mic and sang with yvonne larh. Haha. I off-tune like siao I think? I don't really know also.. 'Cos I can't really hear my own tune one. Haha. Heck. It was feezing cold inside and I was like lying sideways, sorta coiled up on the sofa and finally some kind soul decided to throw me a sweater. Haha. Thanks. But then my song started a little while later and I got straight up to sing lar.. haha.
After the karaoking session ended, we made our way back to Daryl's place. Tracy and Olivia were very nice and went to the kitchen to fix sth for us to eat 'cos we were hungry. But then, before the food was ready, Daryl, KR and Hwee Teng were already asleep. Haha. Speaking of food, I'm super hungry now lar!! Okay, we after that Tracy and Oli went to sleep at the sofa outside then left me yvonne and wilson not aslp yet. So we talked crap with Jiao Lian, actually ostly is Wilson larh.. I was just like reading their conv. only. Then I got tired and lied down and the stewpig Wilson wanna frame me! Lucky Yvonne tell me larh.. Or else bai bai dang ta de scapegoat. Then 5am le so off the lights and try to get some slp. Yay~ I got to slp on the bed with the bolster! I like the bolster la!! Very comfy and nice to hug!
Few hours later, everyone woke up le. Then Daryl Oli and Tracy went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for us. I followed a while later cos nth to do and decided to pao Milo for them~ Milo rocks~ Especially Iced Milo and Milo Freeze~ Haha. See, help them in preparing the breakfast k! Then after that, Yvonne Oli and Tracy left, leaving the me teng kr wilson and Daryl there. I managed to complete the intro part of my Gp essay while at Daryl's hse~ Accomplishment! Haha. We took some pics and stuff before we left.
Doing WR now.. They haven send me their parts yet so I can't compile yet and I'm freaking tired and sleepy now cos of the lack of slp yest. Pray that they will be faster cos I still have wushu training tmr so cant go home early to slp.. And worst, Jiao Lian is on "on" mode tmr..
**amoi** XD
12:38 AM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Had wanted to blog on saturday but my com hanged while I was halfway through typing the entry. Was too lazy to re-type.. Haha
Friday rites, we had mass civics and my class is grp2. The session was about feedback/suggestions to the school to improve it. Then there was this very beng guy who came up and started blabbering nonsense.. Well, that's what I personally feel at least. Haha. Then after that there were this 2 girls who came up and started crtising the CWO system, say that the students shouldn't be punished to clean the toilets, wipe the auditorium seats ,etc , 'cos it's not the students' job to do all those and there are the cleaners to do it. Man, I was damn pissed when I heard what they were saying larh.. The cleaners don't owe us a living please.. We are the ones who dirtied the place, so we are, by right, the people to clean up the place. Damn. Show how spoilt they are. And they still dare to say they (or 1 of them at least..) were late 3 times already. They deserve to be spanked man.. That aside, we decided to have serious whushu practices from now on, whihc means that Jiao Lian will "on" his fierce mode. Damn scary larh, the way they say how Jiao Lian will behave and what he will say.. It's not for the emotionally weak ppl. And I happened to be one.. I'm like super weak emotionally larh.. I'm super emo.. If someone who is like higher than me in status or anything were to raise his/her voice to talk to me, or simplay scold me, my eyes will turn watery larh.. And then if I can't hold back my tears, they will start rolling down my face larh.. But I don't wanna that to happen!!! Why am I so weak?!?!?! I'm so not looking forward to trainings anymore. I think I will cry every training larh..
Anyway, spent alot of money to buy the things for the National Day celebration dress up. I'm so broke now.. And I went to cut my hair again today.. It's so cool larh.. It's like the opposite of the haircut I had last Thursday.. Which was so shu nu.. Haha..


front view

front again..

back view
**amoi** XD
5:39 PM