More quizzes~
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Your Inner Child Is Happy |
 You see life as simple, and simple is a very good thing. You're cheerful and upbeat, taking everything as it comes. And you decide not to worry, even when things look bad. You figure there's just so many great things to look forward to. |
Your Eyes Should Be Brown |
 Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom
What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart |
Hehheh.. Depth and Wisdom lehz.. And Tender Heart~ I'm so shan liang.. Like someone.. So pei can.. =P
You Are 52% Open Minded |
 You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints. But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line. You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. |
Your Career Type: Artistic |
 You are expressive, original, and independent. Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
You would make an excellent:
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. |
**amoi** XD
10:41 PM
Went with Jacqueline on the 9th July to watch the 3rd/4th placing and the 1st/2nd placing for the guys' bball youth cup or sth de. It's was really nice larh.. And Min Yi is quite good actually but I don't really like them 'cos they are kinda beng and stuff and I support the Combined Schools team 'cos there are quite a few players from AJC and another one, Victor, was from Anderson Sec. So many seniors there of course must suppor larhz.. Haha. Can't really remember what exactly happened that day because of the long lapse time. Haha. But rites.. Jacq saw a eye-candy there~ Haha. The guy was from Maris and is in NYJC now. He's Zi Wen and CP's friend. Haha.
-15th July-
Went out with Siang Ning, Timonthy, Sarah and Jo Ee. We arranged to meet at Orchard mrt but I was late as usual, and they went to the outdoor Macs at the Shaw House there to eat first. But! I wasn't the alst to reach k! Timonthy was later than me by alot! Haha. It's nice to see all of them after such a long time! And I like Sarah's accent! It sounds really nice. Haha. So anyway we walked around and stuff and went to Cine to take neoprints~ I like all the neoprints we took that day! Haha. Gonna ask them to send me their scanned pieces. Haha. We visited the new Cathay building and talked about the ghost stories we heard from the wushu peeps and stuff. Haha. Siang Ning didn't want to listen to the stories though. Haha. Decided to go to the pasar malam in Bishan after that and we were like crapping and saying lame jokes on the bus journey there.
Okie, school was kinda alright today. Can't really remember what exactly happened. Haha. And rites, During PE, someone told the girls in my class to count the birds flying overhead and Hui Ping was being horny and pointed to the guys and said that count the number of guys over there jiu can le. Haha. Horny horny huiping, yeah? Haha. Wushu was a lil sucky for me though. I couldn't do the stuff correctly. Keep doing wrongly and stuff. ARGh! But I thought the bi shou was quite fun larhz.. But seeing Kang Rui do the whole taolu is kinda scary and looks super tiring 'cos like hafta jump here and there. And rites.. I'm really damn slow when I do the changquan, and at the rate I'm going, I think i'll be the last in the competition, that is if I get to participate in it.
I think I have this really nice thing abt myself is that I don't let myself stress up easily, or to let the stress drag for too long. I'll tend to get over the stress in quite fast a time. And wells.. I don't usually feel too stressed up or anything.. Maybe it's cos I'm more of the happy-go-lucky kind and I don't really push myself hard enough and expect too much from myself. Actually it's quite bad too? If i don't push myself hard enough, how will I be able to scale greater heights? Damn.. What the shit am i saying.. Am I too slack?
Pull up your socks man, YuMin. You're a failure in everything you do. Fancy getting 4Us (U=ungraded) out of 5 subjects for the mid years and all the marks are like 20+. You know you don't wanna be retained this year, so you've got to buck up!!!
**amoi** XD
9:33 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
You Are a Bright Star Soul |
 Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive
You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy You posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles. Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul |
You Are 60% Weird |
 You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right? But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking |
 You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal. You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.
You should major in:
Philosophy Music Theology Art History Foreign language |
Your Inner Blood Type is Type B |
 You follow your own rules in life, even if you change the rules every day. Sure, you tend to be off the wall and unpredictable, but that's what makes you lovable. And even though you're a wild child, you have the tools to be a great success. You are able to concentrate intently - and make the impossible possible.
You are most compatible with: B and AB
Famous Type B's: Leonardo Di Caprio and |
You Should Learn Japanese |
 You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture. From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko! |
**amoi** XD
9:46 PM
Let's talk abt Courtesy~
Monday, July 10, 2006
Was doing my GP articles and one of the article was on Courtesy. Wells.. Wo gan chu liang duo, bu tu bu kuai.
If we want others to be polite to us, we should be polite to them too. It ain't always the staff members who are at fault if they appear somewhat impolite to the customers. Some customers walk in with their head held so high that I fear that their necks will crack in half. To add to it, they have no respect for the service crew because they think they are oh-so-great and that the staff are lowly, as compared to them.
One of the writers waws like saying "Our people work very long hours, probably one of the highest in the world. Life here is fast paced and highly reactive to global market changes. So, it comes as no surprise that Singaporeans do not seem very polite. We do not have time to be pleasant." I was especially horrified when I saw the last sentence. Do you need time to be pleasant? Even if you do, how long can it take? 1 second? 2 second? It doesn't take much time for us to just smile. I don't think we are THAT busy to not have time even to smile or say a "Thank You". It shows us what kind of person we are when we give this kind of exuse for not being polite. It comes as no surprise that SIngaporeans do not seem very polite because they/we have not been very polite in the first place, so we are not expecting much from Singaporeans, which equals to no surprises.
I agree that sometimes there is preferential treatment given to non-Asians. To this, people working in the service industry will have to abandon this bad habit of theirs. All customers should be treated equally, and when I say that, I mean in a positive way.
I think Singaporeans, especially those in the service sector, are not accustomed to seeing a consumer/customer being polite. I shall illustrate this with a personal experience, and at the same time, show how polite I am. =P Hehe. Okay, I was having lunch at Plaza Sing's BK with Melissa after our piano lesson. It was really crowded and there wasn't much seats available so this Caucasian (I [presume) couple came over to our table and asked whether they can sit beside us, and we said yes. We ate very slowly nd they finished their food before us, which is a lucky thing thing actually. They got up, took the remnants of their meal and throw them into the rubbish bin, and then left, but not before saying bye to us. I absolutely wouldn't expect that from a Singaporean. I think it's the first time I've met a total stranger who was so polite. To them, they must've thought that their actions are very normal, but to us, it's exceptionally good. So, we were very guilty that we've never cleared the tray when we eat at the fastfood joints. What if we had finished our food first and left, leaving the wrappers,trays, blah blah blah? Maybe they would clear them away for us and that'll be so damn embarrassing and stuff, although we wouldn't have known. Feeling the guilt getting heavier, we decided to clear the table ourselves. We got up and was about to take the trays when a service crew appeared and took the trays for us. Talk about efficieny. Haha. We didn't get to fulfill our role as a good citizen.. =P We said thank you to the person and he looked up suddenly, shocked that we were thanking him for doing something which is supposedly in his scope of work. Given his reaction, we can safely deduce that the person haven't met many polite Singaporeans. It is no wonder that we got placed 30th out of 35 countries in a Reader Digest's courtesy test.
Gonna blog abt the trip TO SBC for the Bball youth cup another day 'cos it kinda late now and I haven't finsih my homework.
**amoi** XD
11:37 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I'm back to blog~
So, afetr the last paper of the CT on last friday, I went out with Jacq and Shirlynn to the AMK Kbox. Kinda fun and watched the lian ai ping lü mtv again.. I like the guy acting in the mv larh. He's my type~ Woohoo~ haha.. Okay.. whatever.
So after that, I went home to pack my bag in preparation for the stayover at Bels's place and grab a shirt before going to meet the WA at City Hall. Okay, so I was late by a little, but I still had to wait for over an hour for the rest to turn up? &^^$%£^*$%%^&* I was left to read The TIME magazine and everyone there must've thought how hardworking and studious I was. I am, by the way. Haha. We wanted to meet to celebrate Bels's birthday and to go her house to watch the Germany versus Argentina match. Ate our dinner at the Cavana. It's damn nice can. Haha. After that we shopped and walked around a bit, and bought the mini-mix thiing or sth and Bels and I got ourselves a Myuk pouch each. Support MYUK, people! The brand is so like my name can. Haha. Nowadays, I always buy this brand of wallet. Rasiah couldn't stayover at Bels's place, so we parted ways and make our way to Bels's place. Saw Hwee Teng on the train~
Watched some tv while waiting for the match to start at Bels's place. The show is kinda nice lar. Haha. And the match is so interesting! The penalty shoot-out is so damn exciting! And Kah Yan was like so excited and stuff, and can't refrain herself from jumping and cheering. Haha. Slept after that and didn't catch the 3am match 'cos was really very tired. Haha.
So this week, so far was kinda alright. Had Monday and and today off. Yay-ness. Interact on Wednesday was on the whole okay larh. Was kinda bored and stuff initially, but it got better towards the end 'cos I got really excited. Haha. Interact going to have this "Installation" (I think it's this word larh..)thing in a couple of weeks time where the J2s will hand over the reins to the J1s. The 01/06 interactors signed up to be in the acting crew. Haha. Was really excited and stuff 'cos of the acting and stuff larh. Haha. So fun. But when it's the time to film, I think I'll withdraw into my shell larh. Haha. And I wanted alot of xi4-fen4.. Haha. I'm gonna be the bird-seller in the visa-card advertisement~ Loot out for me! Haha
Before I went for Interact, I met up with the wushu peeps to ahve lunch together. The evil people were like laughing at my designs for the Wushu tee larh.. It's so unique and creative okay!! The stewpig bunch of people kept laughing at my designs and rejected them. Don't know how to appreciate good work.. =P Okay, so we talked and talked and discussed abt some wushu stuff.
Met up with Kang Rui, Wilson, Hwee Teng and Yvonne to go to Daryl's place watch the Portugal vs. France match. Went to buy a little bit of tidbits to eat before making our way to his house. Daryl's place is damn big and nice larh! Terrace lor.. And his dog is super kawaii!! Love his dog man.. Don't really remember her barking larh.. I don't like big dogs and those which bark larh.. Haha.. Scare me mah.. Haha.. I think his dog is the same breed as my cousin's. But my cousin one keep barking one larh.. Haha. We went up to the guest room and squeezed onto the queen-sized bed there, and started watching vcds/dvds. First up was House of Wax. So scary and gory and creepy and what have we not.. Watched less than half then we stopped I think.. Haha.. 'Cos when we stopped watching, only the boyfriend of the Cary was "waxed". Then, we watched this wushu disc before watching Pirates of teh Carribean. Hwee Teng and Daryl then fell asleep. We got sian of the show halfway and wanted to go down. But Daryl was like ya-ing my feet larh.. Then we were discussing how to wake him up and stuff larh.. So funny larz.. Haha.. Then he finnaly woke up on his own hen we made our way down, took out the food we bought and started eating while waiting for the match to start. Alot of people fell asleep while waiting for the match to start, me included. Haha. Kang Rui and Wilson tried to call us up when the match was abt to start but to no avail. Haha. As for me, I was like sleeping on and off larh.. Daryl talked to Kang Rui when he was sleeping larh! We only discovered it after that 'cos he said he don't remember ever asking Kang Rui a question. So damn funny larh.. Daryl wouldn't stop asking until Kang Rui answered him. haha.
After the match, everyone got up and went up to the Guest Room. The 3 guys were like lying on the bed without leaving any space for us larh.. Then Daryl got up to do sth and I took the chance to jump onto the bed and plop myself down. haha. In the end, the 5 of us squeezed onto the bed and we kicked Daryl out to go slp in his room.
Woke up later in the morning to the "melodious" song of Daryl's phone-alarm. Like really "melodious" lar.. Haha. We started washing up and stuff before going down for breakfast. When Daryl's mum saw that all of us slept on the same bed, she asked him out and say him.. say like very dangerous and stuff. Went down to have breakfast after that and I played on the piano for a while after that. I'm like so damn lousy larh.. Can't play and sight-read.. Super sad. And I took a pic with Daryl's dog~ Doggie~~~ So cute larh..
We left Daryl's place and went to Queensway to search for a supplier to help us make ou wushu tee. Actually wanted to have a jacket too, but
Okay, I'm lazy to write le.. Haha..
**amoi** XD
8:22 PM