Mix yet agn
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Just came back from Wushu. Wells, the number of people who turned up for wushu today was extremely few - 2 guys and 5 girls, plus a few seniors who turned up. Most people had camps etc. The basics warm-up was darn tiring larh, for me at least. Maybe 'cos there are less ppl, so the intervals are shorter. My stamina sucks kay? Nearly died lor. *sigh* Anyway, learned finish the 2nd set today, which means I have 2 more sets left to chiong. I'm not really familiar with the steps though. I have short-term memory kay.. And I was kena suan-ed by the coach today. -_-" I'm not fat k! I'm just muscular~ Haha =D Ok, I'm like the weakest lar.. I can't do standard push-ups, but that's only because I'm heavier. I'm actually very strong, just not stong enough to withstand my weight. Ta-daa~ Sounds contradictory. Heck. After Wushu, went back to the Wushu room. Then they started eating dumplings, while I settle for the hotdog bun I bought before going for training. Fattening yeah? We took some pics in the canteen, and NnnnNnoooOooOOOOOooOo, my face looks darn big in the first pic. Then I sorta hide myself behind for the next few pics.. Haha. We went down to Amk Central to buy Bubble tea and they accompany me ta go eat.. So nice larhz.. The S11 Had a few blackouts. Haha. And Zhi Hao was like teaching us Econs, but I don't really understand. Haha. I totally can't understand Econs. Tried reading the lecture notes the other day and nearly died. Anyway, Zhi Hao showed and taught us some magic tricks. He's good! Darn cool man.. So went home after that, and here I am.
My right ear is sorta like blocked. Sucks totally man.
Saturday, went out with Jia Fang and Belicia. Was late as usual. Haha. Went around buying stuff and talking. Bought earrings and a wallet. Really miss them alot larh.. And I was like saying ShiKai de huai hua. Haha. Too bad for him. Anyway, he doesn't know me, so yeah. Haha. Just fun to talk bad abt him with JF. Pity Jf has him as her lab partner. Haha. Just heard from JF his brother is going to Nanjing or sth for a Wushu competition. So li hai de..
Went for piano lesson on Sunday as usual. I'm damn slow and lousy larh.
Monday, I went with my mom to Expo for the Food Fair. Ate alot of stuff and bought alot too. Haha. It's always good to go with your mama. Haha. I'm becoming fatter instead of thinner. Looks like my jian fei ji hua isn't very good. Haha. Anyway, dad brought grandmama over to join us. Think it's quite some time since I last saw her. Must make it a point to visit her more often. This coming Sat we will be celebrating her birthday~ Yay! Anyway, dad brought us back home after that, sparing us the need to take the train. Haha.
Lazy to type le.. Haha
**amoi** XD
8:46 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Friendster is tooted! I changed my settings to viewing others anonymously, but apparently it didn't actually register the change although it said it had. Dumbass. And horrors of all horrors.. They didn't set their profile to viewing others anonymously and now they know I viewed them! ARGH! But oh wells.. This is fate. So malu de..
Anyway, I thought of quite a lot of things to blog yesterday, but I can't remember them now. Haha. Hmms.. I got back my Chem paper le. Just only passed it, 53%. -_-" And it's the only paper I passed, and it was actually due to my luck. There's 10 qn of mcq behind, and like I said in a previous post, I did only until qn3 before the time's up and I randomly filled up the answers, like ping gan jue lar. Wells.. I got the next 2 qn wrong (qn4&5), but I got the rest of the 5 qn correct! Like, OMG! So zun lar! And the 5 qn rites, were those kinda 1,2,3,4 etc. then ask ya choose all those correct or wrong de, then put under one category like "A,B,C,D" and ask ya to write down the correct alphabet representing the answers. When I got back my paper, I was damn surprised larhz! There was a "good!" in the mcq's marks column, 'cos I got 8/10 larh. Super lucky. Or should I say I'm superwoman (but I am only human..) *lame* And I discovered that the Reading Room is a much better place to be in because it's conducive for studying, unlike Nexus. I can't study in the Nexus larh.. I'll end up wanting to sleep or crap around. With grades like shit, I can't continue with the current "lifestyle". But horz, Shirlynn and Jacq like to go Nexus.. =(
Interact on Wed was kinda boring, and I think they got my attendance for the term wrong. I only skipped 1 Interact-day without valid reasons, but they put it down that I skipped 2.
Thursday, me jacq and shirlynn went to bukit batok after school b'cos I wanted to buy contacts. My left eye's degree went down yet again while the right eye's remain the same~ Yay-ness. After that, we went to West Mall to shop around. Bought some ear-studs, although I can't really wear them 'cos my ears are like sensitive to those fake earrings larhz.. Must buy real ones which are ex larh. And Jacq wants to go Kbox, but I don't really want! I like singing larh, but I don't wanna expose my horrigible singing to more people! Only wushu peeps and 2 other friends and 1 cousin have heard it. I don't want more people hearing it! Boohoo!!! But if i go, i'll be tempted to sing, then they'll hear my horrible singing! NnNnNnnooOoOoOoOoOooOo!! I'll decide on sunday whether I wanna go not. Haha.
And rites, yesterday me and yvonne saw Andersonians from our batch in Amk when we went there for dinner after wushu. Saw Ivan and Kiajin first and they told us the others were in front. So, we tried to catch up with them while shouting their names larh. We were shouting JianYang's name larh.. But he couldn't hear us and finally Yaoyong heard it and told him. Most of them were from my class larh. But rites, they turn around and gave us the blur looks and were like want-wave-don't-want-wave like that. What the toot lar. Shan't say hi to them anymore. bleahs.
I learnt finish 1-and-a-1/2 of Chang Quan le~ wahaha. I know I'm slow larhz.. But at least, my brain allowed me to progress yesterday. Haha. And I broke my toenail yesterday.. Must rememebr to cut them in future. =p and rites, I think they way I land after I jump isn't correct 'cos like my shin will be a lil pain. And I did 120 push-ups today~ wahahaz!
On my way home, I accidentally kicked something and when I looked down, it was a snail's shell! OMG! I think I killed the snail. Damn sorry for the snail larh.. So poor thing. I went back to look at the snail, but it was this big lump there larhz. I don't know if it were already injured before I kicked it's shell or not, or that it was actually a couple of snails. Now, I must really look at the ground when I walk. Normally I'll be like looking straight and stuff larh.. And when I walk rites.. I always nearly bang into someone 'cos I don't really walk straight sometimes.. Adeline said I walk like a drunkard before, I think. Haha.
And my classmates go say I'm man! then got one stewpig person go say "ta ben lai jiu shi man" I think. !!! *Wring your neck* Haha. But.. Haiix.. Can't help it if I'm like stronger and more boyish. But I'm actually very girly de k! =p Haha. And they said it just because I wanted to drag the chair back to the table and it dropped onto the floor. Like.. got link mehz? Haha.
**amoi** XD
10:13 AM
Bball finals
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Got back my Econs and Math papers yesterday, and I flunked both. Like how lousy can I get. Gonna fail all the tests for CT1. Only the Chem result is yet to be known. Anyway, went to the Bball Finals yesterday. It was quite a good match larh. Although we lost, I still think the AJ bballers are the champs! No.15 is still my ultimate idol!! Haha. No.8 is my idol at a lower level 'cos he's a J1, can still idolise him next year. Haha. So anyway, the referees suck big time!! "&*£$(% stewpig referees. This tooted ass from tooted HCI go bang into Tsunami, tooted ass fell down and we were fouled for it!!! "&*^"£$( How many zillion stacks of stamps are on your eyes, Mr. Referee?!?!?! If I ever found out who the dumb ass is, I'm going to give him a flying kick in the arse. Anyway, good job Aj bballers~
After the match, Yvonne and I met up with the wushu peeps outside the sports hall before making out way back to AJ to have our wushu training. Clipped up my fringe for the first time.. Nice lehz.. No fringe obstructing my view. But I can't pin it up all the time 'cos my HEAD is BIG!! Must use hair to cover. Boohoo! and yesterday wushu's bad!! I banged my knee onto the ground twice because I didn't straighten my leg! So pain larhz.. That's like the second or third practice I bang that same knee onto the ground. Haha. And I've got another little small bruise on my hand which I dont know how I got it, 'cos I dont remember banging my hand onto sth. And I still cant do a proper cartwheel, like those kinda damn nice vertical style or something de. Sucks big time man. And I still can't remember all the steps for the chang quan! Like id ya do it slowly I can still rem, but the guys all do so fast and accurate and stuff, I cant follow! Then I'll be very luan.. ARGH!! So pathetic. And I cant do the jump-turnaround-whatever thing. My leg can't turn.Argh.. Just sucks.
And rites.. I think I may have to skip 2 wushu trainings in the hols, and they are in teh same week! which just totally sucks larhz. I lagging behing le then still need to skip 2 consecutive trainings. The first one is 'cos I wanna go see my brother at the army thing in tekong.. then the second is 'cos I'm going out of Singapore. So idiotic larhz.. I have to buck up!
Jus to end off,
Jacq loves her no. 10!
Min loves her no. 15!
**amoi** XD
12:53 PM
Mix of entries
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Went to Interact today. Didn't want to go actually 'cos I sorta wanted to go to Toa Payoh to watch the vball finals. Interact was damn boring. Voting for the ex-co thing only and we were released early. Wasted my time going actually since they ain't going to the Cheshire Home today. So anyway, had Chem test today and I think I'm going to fail it. It wasn't as difficult as I expected it to be, but I didn't have time to finish! Did until qn3 for the MCQ part and time was up, and eneded up filling the rest up with answers randomly. I nearly wanted to put "F" as a MCQ answer larhz. So dumb lorz. When has there been a "F" for a MCQ answer.. I think I wasted too much time in qn1 and I didn't manage to finish it! Was a little confused with the stuff and so i skipped to qn2. Qn2 was relatively easier but still, I can't really answer them! As in I know what's going on and stuff but at hat moment during the test I just can't put what I want to write down in words. It was only after the test then could I explain it out larh.. And my damn-ed mobile was vibrating all through the test at intervals because of one pathetic msg sent my MiWorld or sth. And I flunked my A'levels Physics SPA's first test yesterday. Was surprised at the -ve value and I drew the graph wrongly. Didn't have enough time to complete the paper; not even the graph. I'm like so dead larh. Gotta buck up. I'm like feeling this urgent need to really study and stuff larh. Although I still don't like doing homework, especially GP (GP sucks!) but I'm sorta feeling this desperation not to fail my tests and to do well. I don't want to be the last, I want to be the top. Sounds competitive to me. Haha. First time that I'm saying "I'm feeling this urgent need to study" and stuff like that. Didn't even feel that way for the O's, although I was nervous as the examintaion day drew closer.
So yeah.
Seems to me that alot of people from JCs are considering Poly-education and some are really making the effort to change their present course of life. Too bad I'm a coward. I don't have the guts to make that decision and change. And I can't bear to part with Wushu now.
On a lighter note, I'm doing Jing Sai Chang Quan and not Nan Quan! Wahaha! Most people were stunned, shocked, astonished that I'm doing Chang Quan. Haha. Everyone thought I'll be like doing Nan Quan 'cos I have large BONES (not bcos I have alot of fats k..) and of a bigger build than SOME J1 wushu girls ( I refuse to think otherwise). Actually the coach said before that I'll most probably be doing Nan Quan, but I still ended up doing Chang Quan! Kang Rui was like saying it's a miracle I'm doing Chang Quan. Haha. Miracles do happen, ya know. Haha. Yay-ness. But I think it'll be damn tiring and I've really got to train my stamina and stuff, and I'm damn slow in learning larhz! I can't do the yinhe-waibai thing. And stewpig Little Green was calling me "Bui eh" (Hokkien) or something like that, meaning fat or sth larh. And she was asking me to train my jumping --> too heavy to jump.. !!! *give ya a flying kick* I must jian fei!! OMG. But I've like put on 7 kg larh. So it's damn hard to shed the weight. Haha. New goal - shed at least 2 kg a month.
Right.. I went to watch Bball semis on Monday and it was fanta-bulous! AJ bball rocks and no matter what, they'll always be the champion in my heart! ( at least this year's will larh) No. 15 is my ultimate idol man! No.8 also~ Haha. And Tsunami is damn kawaii desu larh! Lol! I want to go down to TPY to watch their finals this Friday against HCI!!! Hope the coach doesn't mind 'cos I think most Wushu peeps are going I think? Haha. =p
Gotta go and complete my tutorials now~
**amoi** XD
5:58 PM
andersonians rock!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Went to JingJie's place yesterday with Zhi Wen and Doreen. I was late as usual, but I was the earliest! Haha. So yeah. JingJie brought me and Zhi Wen to his house while Doreen went on her own. Doreen was super late larh. Haha. His house is nice!! And the sofa is so comfortable! Haha. And JingJie's room is amazingly... small. Haha. But it looks alright actually.. Don't really give ya those claustrophobic feeling and his house is damn clean and tidy larhz! My place is like the exact opposite. -_-" Then we watched tv while waiting for Doreen to come. We were like saying that it's lucky that Doreen doesn't have SCV, or else her eyes will be like glued to the screen the whole day, and JingJie said that Doreen will like Animal Planet those kind of channel. Haha. And how right he is. Doreen called me to ask for Jingjie's door number and when I opened the door to check, I could hear her voice larhz.. haha.. Talk so loudly de.. Not like me.. So gentle.. =x And they had a surprise for us! So happy larhz! They bought this cheese cake to celebrate Zhi Wen's and my birthday~ So nice of them! I was asking Doreen why there is this spot of creamy place with nothing on top. And Doreen replied that it was actually a mother's day cake. Haha. We watched " Just like Heaven" after that. Actually it ain't that bad a movie. Played mahjong after that. I didn't win at all!! But it aint that bad considering we played 2 or 3 rounds only. Haha. Watched the Guess guess guess show. The girls' voices damn high and squeaky and dont know what larhz.. *goosebumps* Wondering why like Singapore don't really have any girls like taht.. At least I haven't met anyone who really have those kinda voice larhz, not those yi ting jiu zhi dao is act out one. We went to Sun plaza to eat after that before going home. Zhi Wen and I were like saying we should really meet up more often larhz.. Like maybe once every month or sth. Being with Andersonians is different from being with AJCians. The feeling is just sorta different. Being with Andersonians really have those kinda family-family feeling. Don't know how to describe it. Haha. Just different.
Adeline gave me birthday prezzie on Speech day~ Thanks! It's a black nike shoe bag.. Sorta the same as my pink nike bag , just that it's BLACK! Black is cool. And Ade was saying no wonder SiHui says I'm tian zhen/naive/dan chen/whatver word she used (Cant reakky rememver what's the exact word she used, because I said I think the poele in JC are okay and quite nice, not really those hyprocrites and stuff. Wells, I really don't know how to "look" at people. And the only thing I can do is don't trust anyone, but that's like.. I dont know? You can't possibly don't trust anyone..How are ya gonna live like that? I may have my reservations but I can't help but give people the benefit of the doubt. I just hope I'll be enlightened soon.
I discovered that both my parents don't really want to join Wushu because they think it's taking up too much time, but it's like the same as dance in secondary school what --> 2 days of tranings. My dad was like saying now is the time for studying (when is not?) and blah blah blah. But the problem is, I don't like studying.. And I like Wushu. Since I HAVE to go to school, why don't ya let me join something I like? My primary goal in life is to be happy. I mean, what's life if ya are not happy? Might as well don't live rites. They nvr did care what CCA my brother and sister want to join, but they want to have a hand in whatever I want to join. I was forced into dance in Seconday school. But okay, I made some really great frens there. Nw, I've joined wushu, please get a life and support me, yeah? I wonder if this is the middle-child syndrome or sth. Now, I really hafta study to show them I can handle both my CCA and studies well. And to think that I was bracing myself to fail for promos and then get transferred to a poly.
**amoi** XD
11:48 AM
Photos~ =P
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Photos time! I'm like so zhi lian larhz.. =P haha..

My running partner~ haha =D

My Birthday~

Hanging~ Arms suan le.. haha

My shoe is so damn nice

act cute.. =P

**amoi** XD
8:41 PM