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Nice songs.. Saturday, September 17, 2005

I like 六甲乐团's songs. They are nice, and I sort of regret not buying their album last year whne they came to our school. Can get their signatures and a poster. *Sigh* And I don't even know if the music stores are still selling their albums or not. I mean it's quite some time already and they aren't really that popular here in Singapore. At elast I think so. Never really hear anyone talking about them. And I like 元卫觉醒's songs too. If I were to buy both their Cds, it cost around 40 bucks, and I'm broke! Still got chalet, outings with friends, etc. at the end of the year! And I most probably won't be going to a JC for the first 3 months. And I still have lotsa things to buy.-_-" I wanna Nike sneakers, but they haven't got nice ones now. And I still want to buy mp3 player. I want Zen Neeon. I like the design, it's better than Zen Micro's, I feel. And I haven't buy a bag yet. Argh! No time to go Cineleisure. I hope they still have those kinda design's bags after the O's. And Still hafta buy graduation ball's dress/gown/whatever-you-called-it and shoes. I saw one at Woodlands which cost around 100 bucks. It's looks more like a dress to me, but it's not exactly those noraml kind of dress you see people wearing on the streets. I don't know if it's suitable for the graduation ball or not. I mean you see all these people wearing all kinds of sophiscated things and such. I think I'll go to the shop every goes (Daniel Yam) and look at the clothes there before deciding on what to buy. Either going with Belicia they all or with my mum. Go with mum can buy more ex de and shoes also don't needa pay myself, 'cos don't know how much it'll cost and it isn't very nice to keep asking for money from parents. S bad de lorz.. Grades so lan still wanna keep asking for money.=x

Going to dop Emath le~ Only hope..

And lastly, today is WEI JIAN de BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday!!

**amoi** XD

10:56 AM

Prelims Friday, September 16, 2005

Just woke up fom afternoon nap, if ya can call it a nap. 'Cos I thoughtt nap is short de. I slept for 3+ hours and I still feel tired.I slept for an average of 3+ hours each day for the exams. My beautiful sleep. Can't fathom how some people can survive on so little sleep just like it's normal for them.. Imagine, out of 24 hours, you sleep 3-4 hours each day, won't you feel tired?!

Anyway, one week of the 2 weeks Prelim exams is over. I died in almost all of the papers, at least I hope I didn't die in all of them. Next week's paper will be relatively easier to cope 'cos there are less papers and they are not squeeezed together. I did a stewpig thing for the Chemistry paper today. I wrote the reactivity series wrongly and got the wrong answer for one of the qn for mcq, and I realised it only during Paper2. I wanna bang my head when I realised it! I was like, "OMG! How can I be so stewpig!!" And I wasted quite some time thinking about it. Didn't quite know how to do paper2. Haix. English and Chinese comprehensions were killer. The chinese comprehension had this question asking what is "大气候". Have absolutely no inkling as to what it is at all. When I first read the passage, I don't really understand it. It was better after reading it a second time, but I still don't really know how to do teh questions. And, I didn't have time to finish my English paper! I think Chemistry paper is the only paper I can finish doing as of now. Actually, you can't exectly say I've finished my Chemistry paper because I didn't have time to check through and really think about some of the questions. I didn't finish studying, so some of the things weren't that clear to me etc., so I have to spend some time sorting them out. But I didn't have that kind of time to spare. Oh well, it's over now. Should be concentrating on studying for the rest of the subjects, which is Literature elective, Elementary Mathematics, Physics and Geography Paper 1. Should be going to either study my Physics or practise Emath later.

**amoi** XD

6:54 PM

*PuKe PuKe PuKe* Sunday, September 11, 2005

I hate my sis. If ya can even call her sis. She doesn't act or seem like one. Which isn't really the reason why I hate her. She's just bitchy. I don't exactly know what's considered bitchy behaviour, but I just like to use the word here. She doing everything possible just to annoy me. From waking up at 7 in the morning to use the computer so I can't use it to leaning in to say I can't eat the noodles 'cos I said I wanted rice. For goodness sake! The noodless came first so of cours I eat that first because I'm so darn famished! I took less than half a small bowl of it. And if she wanna say it, why can't she say it out loud so everyone can hear it. Coward. She's sneaky. Always trying to open the door and come in without making a sound. She took such a long time to come in that anyone would've detected her presence. She's a liar. She can't be told a secret because she'll use it against you if you ever become her enemy, or when she don't like you. She curses her teachers, which isn't a very nice thing to do. Someone chose to be a teacher knowing full well the high possibility that she/he will go to a mental hospital after retirement(maybe some doesn't know.. oh wells..), and yet you are there cursing that he'll die. Even if you don't like the teacher, there's no need for you to curse him/her. And she seems to not like every teachers of her, maybe there are a few rare exceptions. She just love to break her promises. Anyway, she said I was a pig because I was sleeping on the sofa and my dad was asking me to go into the room to sleep. I don't want to live with her. Disrupt me. Can't study too. But that would make her happy, let her think she'd succeeded. She's like Hooper I think. Just not that clever and tactful and hope she remains that way if she doesn't change for the better. I think she'll be worse next year when she goes into a secondary school. 'Cos she doesn't want to study and she's easily influenced. Oh wells.. My brother went out of the house at 10+ to study because my sis was too noisy. Anyway, she treats my brother better. Probably because she thinks she can qi zai wo de tou shang.

Going back to study le larhz..

**amoi** XD

11:30 PM

Everyone must Jia You! Friday, September 09, 2005

I'm so proud of myself. Didn't use the computer for around 72 hours. Big accomplishment. Think won't be coming online for a long time bcause prelims is next week and around that only have around 1 month more to study for O's. Really not enough time. Regret slacking from the start of sec1. I don't think I can go to a JC for the frist 3 months, although I really really wish that I can. All my fault for not studying until now. Didn't even start studying when I got my lousy Pre-prelims. How stupid.

Studying chinese now. Think I'm just going to read through the idioms and know the meanings. Don't have time to memorise the zao ju. Tomorrow gonna start on geography and chemistry. I know it's very late to start studying for these subjects now. But yeah. Just have to make full use of the time now.

Anyway, I want to thank ADELINE for always nagging me to study and asking me to "mug super hard". Ai De Li Liang. =P Hahazz. Just joking~ But really, Thanks A Lot! And seeing all of you studying so hard, and a loser who got 10 for Pre-prelims still say very lousy, I've now started studying. Although it's not enough yet, but yeah, better than last time.

Everyone, must Jia You!! Last stretch of the race le, we have to run(work) doubly hard to win! (In this case, pass with flying colours!) Still remember in primary school I put it as rainbow colour or something. So tooty. Hahazz.. Everyone mug hard!

**amoi** XD

5:53 PM

Sept hols Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Finally gonna blog again.. hahaz. Well, September 1 week holiday. After blogging this entry i'll be going to study. Sister invited her friends over today, hope they don't make too much noise and get on my nerves, or else I'll really chase them out of the house. Anywayz, did real bad for Prep-prelims. How am I going to survive with this kind of results. Really think not ennough time to study le. Got 4 months to slack or work away after O's. Don't think I can go to a JC for the 1st 3 months. BUT if can rites, I wanna go either Innova JC or St Andrew's. Although prelims and O's is so very near, I just cant help slacking away the time. I know it's near but I don't seem to feel the urgency, the need to study. Everyone's studying and studying except for me. I'm like just lazing around waiting for a miracle to happen, which isn't. We have to work for it whatz.. Or else how to do the papers.

Go study le la..

**amoi** XD

1:51 PM



YuMin a.K.a JeReLD
15th April


Lose weight
Understand what's going on in class
ThAt CaSiO WatCh!
Adidas sportsbag


Classical piano
Dancing - hiphop, modern, salsa
Wushu & Taichi



AdeLinE AMandA BeLiCiA ChInPiNG ChoNgHuI DaRiNnE DaRyL CS DaRyL BJ DiAnA EarNesT EstHeR GeNgYuAN HeEmMeI HoNgChiA HuiYinG HwEeTenG JacQueLInE JeSsLyN JiAYinG JiNRu JiNgYI JoAnNE ChiN JoAnNE GgGgGMA JoEe KahYaN KaIQinG KaReN KatArInA MaBeL MeiPinG OliViA PeiGiN PuQiN RyaN SeLenE SeLinA SHiRLynN SiHuI SimOnE SiWeE SuWeN ThiAmChyE TiMoThY.LiM TrAcY WaNChiNG WeiJiaN's RadiOblOG WeitonG WeIxiAN WEiYeE WilSoN WyNeE YuXiaN YvoNnE ZhEngEN ZhiWeN ANDsec4/1'05 -last day of school-


March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 August 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 September 2009 October 2009 October 2010


put anything u want here...

