Saturday, July 31, 2004
Today had my napfa 2.4km run... It was.. tiring.. Hahazz.. Don't like running... Came in quite late.. think i came in at 16.48 or sth.. Slow.. But it is considered as a commendable feat for me k... No stamina one me.. No speed also.. Hahazz.. All in all, can't run.. Anywyaz, was tempted to stop running for a few times.. But saw Christina continuing.. So me started running again.. If not for her, I would've failed I think? Hahazz.. Thanks girl.. I mean it's like when i want to stop, I saw her still running... So I continued running... Bt i still got stop a few times to walk.. Can't stand it sia.. Anywayz, alot of thanks to WeiTing (my junior) and Daniel for encouraging me to continue running... I didn't fail~ Wahahzz...
After that waited for the rest of them to finish, then laze arnd... Dorren, Christina and I saw a cockroach!!! Then me and Doreen went arnd chasing and trying to catch it.. Don't dare use my bare hands to catch it.. So dirty de.. Eee. Hahazz.. It ran onto shiu kit's shoe I think.. Then he took a picture of it using the hp, then flick it away.. It sent Doreen and I scurrying after the cockroach... With the intention of scaring Kah Yan with it.. Wahahazz.. *evil* Caught it in the end... Using tissue paper of cos~ Hahazz.. Went chasing after Kah Yan.. So funny.. Scream scream scream de Kah Yan.. Hahazz.. Then me and Doreen was like passing the cockroach to each other... And me took a pic with the cockroach~ But it ain't clear.. Can't even see the cockroach.. Hahazz... I think AnQi scared of the cockroach too.. 'Cos she sorta scream when I ran after Kah Yan... Sorry AnQi.. I just wanted to scare KahYan.. Heex.. Really sorry.. Anywayz, went to change after that...
Went to J8 to eat breakfast.. Ate at KFC... Then after that me bought some socks with Jia Fang.. Haven pay me back yet the stewpig Jia Fang... I no money le!!! aRgH! Went to Popular after that.. Was contemplating whether to buy the stickers.. I want to decorate my school diary~ Hahazz.. I dropped my neoprint without realising it.. But luckily found it... Hahaz.. Someone go step on it.. 'Cos got shoe print.. Hahazz.. But lucky it was facing down.. Or else...
Went to Orchard after that.. Tempted to take neoprint.. But never in the end.. The bag shop wasn't open... So we went back.. Talked with Kah Yan for a while then I went home le.. "cos she wanted to go SMU to see the Julian and all... Hahazz...
Reached home jiu immediately go sleep le.. So tired.. From 1+ sleep until now.. Just woke up.. Hahazz...
**amoi** XD
7:04 PM
Friday, July 30, 2004
Wrote this entry on Saturday 'cos didn't come online on Friday.. YupYupz.. Decided to change the time and date...
Anywayz, had amath, then chem.. Chemistry practical was like testing anions and cations those kinda things.. Then always got ammonia smell de.. So stinky... Hahazz.. Chinese.. Wrote an essay... Quite ok larhz... hahaxx... Anywayz, english lesson we watching a show.. Can't rememeber the title... But I find that I quite like to watch those kinda movies.. Hahazz.. Had EFL after recess.. The talent-time thing.. Was lame as usual... Hahazz.. But the Amos and i-don't-know-how-to-spell-the-name de girl was quite good.. I know the girl.. 'Cos she's in my english class.. But i don't know how to spell her name.. Hehezz.. After that shool end le.. Then me and SiHui and ZhiWen do hw in class.. Then was chased out because they got the Career Fair thing for the graduating students.. YupYupz.. Then went to the canteen to do hw..
Received an sms from KahYan saying that Julian Hee is there.. Didn't know he's the Mr Singapore until ZhiWen said it.. I only know that he's the guy Kah Yan is all mad about.. In love with.. Hahazz.. So, quickly pack my things and then went to Popular to buy somethings, before making our way to Ang Mo Kio train station to take the train to Toa Payoh with ZhiWen and SiHui. They went to eat at MacDonald's while I go to the Toa Payoh swimming complex, 'cos they filming <
> there.. Julian is.. Good-looking.. Hahazz.. Kah Yan asked the Fiona Xie to help her sign some things.. Then Fiona wrote Julian('s) girl.. Hahazz.. Like almost everyone know that Kah Yan is mad about Julian.. Hahazz.. After Julian left, I went with them to look at Toro swim..
Left Toa Payoh for Bishan after that.. Me, Si Hui and Zhi Went went to take neoprint... Hahaz... Zhi Wen didn't want to take initially de.. But we managed to persuade him to take it.. Hahazz.. Quite fun.. I simply just love taking neoprints... My photo album is full of neoprints.. Hahazz.. Then we went to MacDonald's to eat after that.. But only i eat larhz.. 'Cos they ate le mahz.. Hahazz.. Then cut up the neoprint then talk talk talk.. I think I saw Ronald Chan? My primary school friend.. I looked up.. then saw him looking.. Then the person as wearing a Josephian(s) shirt.. And Roanld is from SJI.. Hahaz.. Then he look sorta like Ronald.. (maybe they ARE the same person.. ) Hahaz... I think J8 is like the only place where I see my primary school friends after graduating from Ai Tong... I think I saw Jerik and Ronald Goh there before.. At least it looked like them.. Hahazz..
Went home after that..
**amoi** XD
8:25 PM
Alex Tan...
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Went to school.. as usual.. Hahazz.. Had PE for the first period.. Ran around the school.. Can't believe that it's only 2.1km lorz.. How can that be?!?! I'll fail my 2.4km run if it really is.. *touch wood* Had geography after that... Was sorting my file during geog.. hahazz.. We were in the humanities room.. And supposed to be watching a video about the tornadoes and the isobars and i think is the tropical cyclone? I don't know.. Wasn't watching the video.. Hahazz.. Had english next.. Played sorta puzzle game.. Like scrabble lidat larhz.. not puzzle.. I don't know larhz.. Anywayz, either my brain is not working this morning or that my brain is filled with rubbish.. I just couldn't think up any words that have high points.. Yeah.. So in the end just sribbled some words in.. Got a pathetic 100+ points only.. Hahaz...
RECESS!!! Went to eat the chicken rice again.. Nowadays, every day also eat chicken rice de.. Tomorrow must change~ Hahazz... CI was after recess.. Mrs Chong complaining again about our math marks.. Apparently, majority of my class's people didn't do quite well for it.. Me of course included.. Hahazz.. my math aint good.. Actually, I'm good at nothing.. Physics was up next.. It was ok larhz.. Mr Alex Tan was his usual lame self... He had his back facing us.. Then Katarina was laughing at Afiq.. Then Mr Tan turned around and asked why Katarina was looking at his butt and laughing.. It was so hilarious.. After physics, school jiu end le~ YAY!!! Hahazz...
**amoi** XD
9:52 PM
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Wasn't feeling all that good today.. But alright now~ Hahazz.. Anywayz, had sorta geog test today.. But we can refer to the textbk and refernce bk if we want.. And it so happens that I didn't have both Marianne Chong and our textbk with me.. And the notebk too... Oh wells.. Had to make do with what I have in my brain.. Which isn't alot.. And Si Hui's notebk.. In the end borrowed the textbk from Katarina, 'cos she got both Marianne Chong and the textbk.. YupYupz.. Thanks girl~
After geography class, we had english. It was boring... And we've got to write some stewpig compo.. which I intentionally forgot to take down the points for it... Think gonna hand in a sloppy work.. Have to hand it in on Thurs k.. And i still have a lot of other things to complete... Went for Chinese class after that.. It was alright.. But I realised that I don't know alot of the words!!! Oh my... And to think that I'm going to have the test next wednesday... Gotta pull up my socks...*ppppuuullllllsss*
Amath was after recess.. Had the amath test.. Well, I was not feeling well... So... Wasn't really thinking real hard... 'Cos.. really can't concentrate... And a headache had to set in halfway.. So I left quite alot blank? Think going to fail le.. Don't know how to do.. Can't think... *sigh* Hope nvr fail too badly... Was still having the headache during Physics.. Can't really concentrate... 'Cos it was sorta like splitting the head into half? Hahaz... But it was not really that bad... Physics like copy what Mr Tan was writing on the board.. But still can understand some things larhz.. YupYupz..
School ends.. Went to the school bookshop to buy belt.. And discovered that they are not selling it anymore.. Or they haven got any stock larhz.. Didn't really know what the auntie was saying.. My mama dropped my belt downstairs.. And the bookshop nvr sell.. So that means I'm left with only 2 belts... *cry* Hahazz.. So stewpig.. Anywayz, bought the G2 green ink.. When I haven got a G2 green pen... What was I thinking? I should be buying G1 green ink... So stewpig.. Hahazz.. Went to Popular with SiHui and Katarina after that... Bought quite some stuff.. And I don't know what use I've got for some of them.. Hahazz.. Siao le me...
Went home after that... Slept.. Woke up at around 7.. Then eat at 8... Going to do my hw soon... And hopefully have a little time to study... Which I think isnt too possible... Hahazz...
**amoi** XD
8:30 PM
Monday, July 26, 2004
There's so many tests!!! Needa start studying for them le... And have to complete all my hw as soon as possible.. so that I'll have time to study for the tests... I'm gonna improve!!!
Feeling down now... Actually not really down... Just frustrated, a little angry, confused... I also dont know larhz... Little things can get me down easily... I think... But I'm like.. Those little things that won't get ppl down will get me down... But those kinda things that will get other ppl down won't get me down.. Haix.. Don't know larhz.. Don't wanna think anymore..
Feel down because of some tuition matters.. Feels so stewpig.. Definitely will seem trivial to others de.. but don't know why I just don't know how to deal with it.. aRgH!!! I wanna just cancel the whole tuition.. Yeah, running away... I'm a weakling!!! What my friend is right.. hArhAr... But I can't just cancel the tuition like that.. Mainly 'cos my math sucks. If I cancel it.. It'll be worse.. So I can't cancel it... Yeah.. *claps*
Sometimes I really don't wanna study anymore.. Just sorta feel that there's no meaning in studying anymore.. Normally I feel that when I'm feeling down bahz? Hahazz.. I also don't know..
Sometimes, I'll think back of the times when I was like bad.. hateful and all those kinda things larhz.. I know I aint good now too larhz.. Makes me sorta feel guilty and regret when I think of them.. And yeah, my mouth.. Just shoots out everything..
Sometimes... I do think about death too.. I mean everyone does too? Not mehz? Hahaz.. I don't know... What exactly is the meaning of life? or living? Why do we live? What's our purpose in life?
I don't know...
**amoi** XD
10:50 PM
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Had napfa test, the 5 stations one on friday... Muscles all pain!!! All improve.. except for shuttle run... No have improve, still deprove... So stewpig.. hahazz.. Anywyaz, hoping that next saturday's 2.4km run can at least get a C.. But it seems quite hard.. Hahazz..
Went to Malaysia.. Reached home at arnd 10+ to 11.. Quite fun larhz... Went to a fruit farm or whatever it is called...Bought a windchime made of shells and a (sort of) notepad that has a starz-cover and a pencil made of wood or something.. Then after lunch, went to the ostrich farm.. Sat on an ostrich and took a photo with it.. Was really scared it would buckle under my heavy weight.. Hahazz.. The ostrich egg damn hard lorz.. Can withstand weight/s of 100 to 110 kilograms... bought a wood-pencil with an ostrich feather and a ostrich pen, which according to my cousin, Singapore has too.. Hahazz.. Went to one of the mall in Kota Tinggi, bought some things... And had my cousin comment that he's lucky that he doesn't have a girlfriend... Hahazz.. It ain't my fault that the things there caught my eyes... Hahazz...
After dinner, we went to have a boat-ride to look at the fireflies! It was so damn cool!!! So many of them!!! It's a pity it was drizzling then... Or else the fireflies would've fly out from the trees.. *Sigh* After that jiu come back to Singapore le..
**amoi** XD
12:36 AM
Chinese lesson...
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Just woke up.. But still feel very tired.. Want to go back and sleep!!! Hahazz.. But can't. Needa eat my dinner~ And there's still the homework there for me to conquer. Hahazz..
During chinese class, we had this little test on proverbs. It was quite easy.. Hahazz.. Then got this sorta game that tests our knowledge of idioms.. At least for the 1st to 42th idioms of the book.. Hahazz.. Flipped through the book before the game started, and realised that the idioms inside ain't all that difficult.. Mainly 'cos we've learned them all before.. Yupyupz.. It was quite fun.. Enjoyed the chinese class~ hahaz..
We had PE after that.. Ran 7 rounds.. Then we did the 5 stations for the nafa test de.. My incline pull up still needa few more to get A... aRgH! Hope on friday can do enough to get A.. Then my standing broad jump.. LOSE to my cousin!!! *shakes head* hahaz... She jumped 200+ then I jumped at most only 180+.. Noooo... Hahazz.. Shuttle run.. Deproved.. Got 11.8s.. Last year i got 11.4... Cannot deprove!!! Now horz.. Me am scared for my 2.4km run.. No stamina.. Cannot run.. Hahazz.. Hope can pass..Then best is can at least get a C, then got chance to get Gold.. Hehezz..
We learning Sets Theory for amath.. then the Venn Diagram got the intersection and union thing.. And the complement thing... Then i don't know how to do!!! Nooo...
**amoi** XD
8:35 PM
Rasiah's Birthday
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Back to write something more.. Hehezz.. Went to Belicia's blog for a visit.. And realised i forgot about.. erm... Rasiah's birthday? Hehezz.. But I did wish her happy birthday.. Hehezz
RASIAH!!!! hApPy bIrThdAy!!! *muackZ~* *muackZ~* *hugZ~* *hugZ*
Hahazz.. So very sorry for forgetting your birthday.. It's because today I nvr really write the date 20th July alot of times.. Hehezz.. I apologize!!
**amoi** XD
9:59 PM
Had my geog test yesterday.. I've got only 1 word to describe it.. And that is.. DISASTROUS!!! Hahazz.. I did study for it!! And I'm positively sure that i've read in the book what is "Wave Refraction", and memorized the explanation, but I just remember what exactly the book wrote!!! I know remember bits and pieces.. So my explanation ain't all that right.. Oh my... Geography really is a difficult subj to handle.. Hahazz.. Oh wells.. Can't do anything about it now.. The test's over... And rites, yesterday during Physics class, I don't know what makes me want to sleep.. But I just couldn't keep my eyes from closing... Hahazz.. The lesson seems to be quite fun, what with all the lame things Mr Alex Tan did.. The fishing rod and the projector, etc. Anywayz, as I was just going to drop completely into the dreams hole, my head just nodded and I woke up, but not completely awake.. YupYupz.. And I don't know what Katarina was thinking, but she just took her GIGANTIC cat paperclip (maybe it ain't for clipping paper eh?) and slot it through my hair.. And she couldn't take it out!!! Oh my.. And she had the cheek to sit there laughing while I try to take it out.. Of course, we managed to take it off.. I don't wanna be seen having a gigantic cat paperclip in my hair... Hahazz.. Anywayz, by that time, my hair's all messed up, thanks to her.. hahazz.. But I was too lazy to re-tie it, until Kai Qing told me it's really messy..
Had my emath test today.. It's on variation, similar and congruent triangles, and the area and volume topic.. The variation questions were considerably easy.. But when I progressed on to the other questions on the other 2 topic, I realized to my horror that I don't know how to do all!!! aRgH!! And it had to be so that only 3 questions out of the 8 are variation questions! Oh my.. Can forget about passing this emath test le...
I forgot to bring my wallet to school today!!! So... Stewpig.. *hungryz..*
**amoi** XD
3:53 PM
VCH - Si Hui's performance..
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Reached home at arnd 12+.. Feeling a bit sleepy now.. Hahaz.. Shoulders are tired.. Must be the weight of my bag.. hahazz..
Went out at arnd 4.35pm today, to go to Katarina's place to get a jacket and take down some math stuffs.. Going to Si Hui's performance at the Victoria Concert Hall in the evening.. Then Katarina asked Thiam Chye and his friend, Darcy(think tt's his name?) along.. 'Cos Chong Hui and Zi Wei can't go.. Then got 2 extra tix.. So gang gang hao.. YupYupz... We went to Wisma first, then Taka, then went to Heeren.. Katarina bought a shirt there.. Then we made our way to the Annex building to buy some hair-tying bands at one of the shop.. Don't know the name of the shop... Hahazz.. After that went to Cineleisure.. Before making our way to the Somerset train station to go to the Raffles train station to meet them .. Reached Raffles station le then they haven arrive, so we went out to see if got any food can buy to eat not.. Only spotted a 7-eleven store and a hawker centre.. Went to 7-eleven to buy a mag and lolli.. Then went back to the train station to wait for them to arrive... After they arrived, we went to the VCH.. Katarina said Darcy is 180cm tall... Why are all the people so tall de? Or is it that I'm the one who is short? I know so many people who are over the 180cm mark... aRgH~ Why am i so short...
Anywayz, when we were walking to the VCH, Katarina knocked down a little kid.. or toddler.. I don't know.. Hehezz.. She was looking to the side.. Then the child was in front of her.. So she just knocked into him... hahazz.. When we reached VCh, went to collect the tix, then jiu went in to sit le.. Of cos, not without going to the washroom first...Hahazz.. Refine(d) words k.. Hahazzz.. The performance was quite good.. The little kids are sooooo cute!!!!! Hahazz.. Went to the backstage to visit Si Hui during the interval... Saw her sis with her bf.. Hahaz.. Took a pic with her then after a while jiu went out le.. Went to the Cafe to eat something.. Honestly, the food there just sucks? Not fit for human consumption.. Hahazz.. Maybe it's a little too exaggerating there.. hahaz.. And $3 for pathetically small hotdog+bread tt is not suitable
for human consumption is a little too ex... At least for me... Hahazz.. Went back in to continue watching the performance..
Then after that, went back to Somerset, with the intention to go eat at the food festival... But there were just too many people.. So went to Burger King in the end.. It was quite funny there.. hahazz.. Couldn't stop laughing.. Then was sms-ing also.. Hahazz.. Katarina said she wanted to eat ice-cream, so we walked to find the ice-cream man/woman.. Hahazz.. Went home after that.. Thiam Chye wanted to take the train to Bishan 'cos his train was not gonna arrive until 11 minutes later, then take cab home... But the Darcy bluffed him that the train ride is 30 mins to Bishan.. Then he went out of the train.. Then Darcy said it's only 20 mins... But the doors are already closed and the train's moving.. Hahazz..
Today's quite a fun day.. Enjoyed it~ YupYupz.. hahazz.. Haven do finsih my hw!! ArGh! Hahazz..
**amoi** XD
1:20 AM
Friday, July 16, 2004
Friday... Got back my Logarithm paper le.. Really is borderline.. Any lower and I'll fail.. Hahazz.. *Sigh* I so many careless mistakes de.. Really is very disappointed with myself.. Know how to do one lorz!! I now really very careless de.. Must be very careful! Hahazz.. Like got any use saying all that.. Hahaz.. After math lesson, went for Chemistry lesson in the lab. Testing for Cations and all that. The aqueous Ammonia solution(or something like that de.. Haha) really stinks.. The Sodium hydroxide isn't any much better I think.. Can't really remember.. hahazz.. Chinese class's after Chemistry class. It was generally quite okay, only that I couldn't finish my letter on time and had to hand in just like that - half-finished. Mr Eric Tay is bound to deduct alot of marks one.. *sigh* How I wish I can write think faster from now on...
Today don't have EFL 'cos the hall was used and is still being used for the Sec 4 Prelims. So, our form teacher Mrs Chong, who happens to be our mathematics teacher too, came in to finish her explanations for our log test's correction and answer. After that, she taught us Sets Theory... Generally quite easy to understand. Falling sleep when she just started on the topic.. Really is very tired... Then I was like sitting there, with my eyes closing and opening, trying and fighting hard to stay awake, but apparently to no avail.. Hahaz.. I sitting in the front row, then can't fall asleep there and then what... So I was like keep fidgeting to try and divert my atention to something more interesting, or in short, stay awake. That sentence isn't really a correct sentence, at least to me.. But, I like it.. Hahazz.. *crAzy* Anywayz, I managed to stay awake for the last part of the lesson.. Don't know what happened and I don't feel sleepy anymore... And FINALLY!!! The bell rang~ Signally the end of our long and tiring day at school, at least for me.. Most of the people have CCA. Actually it isn't really that long a day. Today's timetable is the shortest for the week.. But I've been sleeping at arnd 12+ for the past few days what
(as mentioned before.. Hahazz) . So am really tired.. YupYupz.
Fell down yesterday.. Was like running to off the air-conditioner in my class.. Then wanted to jump onto the chair and cross over.. But apparently the chair "slipped" when I stepped on it(must be due to my heavy weight...), and I slipped and fall backwards on my bum.. And hit my leg against the chair.. And it hurts.. hahazz.. Bum not hurting anymore.. But there's this big bruise on my leg.. At least to me it's big k.. To others, I think prolly not? Hahazz.. Even the part near the bruise hurts too... And my muscles hurt too!!! The dance.. aRgH~
Suddenly remembered something Rasiah and Jia Fang said.. "If urine wasn't urine, it would be a nice name." Hahazz.. Eurinne.. Hahazz.. I think that spelling looks nice.. But don't really sounds nice because of what it means when you said it out.. Hahazz..
Very long nvr go play bball le.. 2 weeks I think.. Then next week I will be going to Malaysia.. So won't be able to play too... So hafta wait for yet another more week after next's, and hopefully Belicia and the rest will be able to make it.. YupYupz..
**amoi** XD
9:10 PM
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
**amoi** XD
5:45 PM

You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what
you do best. You collected thoughts and always
positive attitude make you very bright and
logical. When theres a problem, you know how to
approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on
you on their problems, and your shoulder for
their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy
nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and
hardly scream, which makes you good with kids.
You seem to be in tune with the world and if
anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla
I like freedom.. Hahaz.. But i think I scream quite alot? Dont know.. Hahazz.. This year is better alot~ Hahazz..I don't really know how to approach a problem.. Hahazz..
Anywayz... YAY!!! I don't need to go for the math remedial~ Cos I pass my logarithm test~ YEAH BABY~ Lol.. Yet to get the paper back though.. Think mine is borderline pass only.. *Sigh* I really really hope I can do much better for my math, and of cos the other subj too.. Hahazz..
Hudzy sucks!! I don't know how to spell his name larhz... Stewpig person... Like I got offend him lidat.. Maybe got larhz.. Don't know.. Stewpig MCP! Guys aren't all that great for your information.. Especially guys like ya.. maybe I shldn't call ya a guy yah? You've got a big brain with no jiuces inside!
Nearly slept during Physics... Tired... *Sigh* Been sleeping at arnd 12 lidat these past few days... Must slp more!! Hahazz..
**amoi** XD
4:52 PM
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Just happened to think about school just now... And how some of the guys are simply jerks.. They should have a club for it.. Hahazz.. Obvious enough (maybe not THAT obvious enough..), my class's attention-seeker is the culprit again... He really do have a knack for pissing people off.. And the brain.. Oh Wells... And I think my class should make a "Barred from entry" board to paste on the door... But it's so sad we can't bar someone from our class.. Anywayz, if every class were to have this kinda board or sth, I think I would be on every class's board, what with all the noise I make.. Hahaz.. Maybe not all larhz.. I don't go to 3/2 and 3/6, and seldom to 3/4... I am a public nuisance~ But, I ain't much compared to some trespassers and attention-seeker... They are the limits!! Seriously, I think they're outta the limits already... I don't bother other people with my public nuisance-ing, except for KY JF Bels Rasiah Nora, but they do! Getting on people's nerves are their hobbies... Now I know how bad a person can turn out if he were to mix with the wrong crowd...
Oh yeah.. I finished my ranting already...
**amoi** XD
12:44 AM
Friday, July 09, 2004
I lost my calculator!!! aRgH~ I love my dear calculator... Has become attached to it le.. *cry* Please, please let me find it or have it returned to me.. Please re-surface, my dear calculator!
Today quite ok larhz.. Didn't feel sleepy druing geography class! A miracle~ Hahazz.. Chinese class was good too.. I like my chinese teacher~ He's a very nice and good person. He just came back from his re-service in the army.. Then one of the people in my class was like asking him why he didn't become darker.. Then he was saying that going for re-service does not necessary mean that the person have to become darker, go was the toilets won't get darker rite? Hahazz.. Cool teacher.. Anywayz, during EFL my phone vibrated.. Then some of them were lik.. Who's phone?!?! Hahazzz... Got a scare there.. Hahazz.. Lucky wasn't sitting near any teachers.. And rites, my stewpig fringe keep on making my face.. so irritating.. then me was like bend my head down for a while.. Then when I look up, Mrs Chong was like, "Huh! YuMin arhz?!?" She thought I was sleeping and was shocked at it.. Hahazz.. I ain't sleeping~ Oh wells...
After school, went to Far East Plaza to eat at the Sakura Cuisine, or sth lidat de.. Hahazz.. Quite nice.. Should go there more often instead of going to the fast-food restaurants to eat.. Eat at fast-food testaurants until sian le.. Hahazz.. After that walk arnd.. Searching for shorts, shirts and bag.. Hahazz.. Saw some shoes that are quite nice.. Maybe shld go buy them some days.. Took neoprint with Nora and Kah Yan~ Rocks! Hahazz.. After that went to Heeren... Kah Yan and Nora each bought a shirt there... Then after that we went to cineleisure.. Actually wanted to check out the K Pool de.. But forgot totally about it when we reached there.. Hahazz..
When we were walking to the train station tt time, Nora spotted the Bobby from.. i think is Chemistry? or sth de larhz.. Then she and Kah Yan go back and look at him... Hahazz.. He's short... for a guy at least.. Nvr say I'm tall anywayz.. Hahazz..
Legs very tired now.. Hahazz.. Feeling a bit sleepy too.. Maybe will go rest for a while and then go do hw.. YupYupz...
**amoi** XD
7:01 PM
Logarithms Test...
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Been really busy... Busy with rushing through my hw to get it all done before the teachers get mad.. Hahazz.. Doing E-math TYS Unit 4.4 (yeah, I'm still at it after 1 month..). Going to try and finish Unit 4.4 and 3.5 by today.. So I can hand it in tmr. The dateline was supposed to be last friday, which means I'm almost 1 week late.. Hahazz.. Oh wells.. I'm slow, I know. Hahazz. But I shld be glad that I've finished my A-math TYS and have handed it in to the A-math rep. I still have my Geog TYS's 10 essay qn and a few other essay qn given by Mr Ismail to finish.. We're supposed to hand it in tmr, but apparently, I haven't have the chance to touch it yet.. So... Hahazz..
Anywayz, had my Logarithms test today.. It was supposed to be easy, according to my teacher... But I haven't got the brains to figure out 2 qn, namely the natural log one and the last qn.. They say the last qn is easy.. Which means i'm stewpig? Hahazz.. But I just seem to cant do it.. go factorize it.. *Sigh.. I don't know.. Hahazz.. Actually I think can.. But I blur diao.. (finding excuses for myself..) Hahazz.. Last qn 7 marks lehz!!! Oh my... And the natural log one is 5 marks I think.. There goes 12 marks... And got 1 qn.. I shld've brought down the power to the front of the log, so the ans, shld be -5b, but but but... I forgot and put b^-5!! Or shld I say I haven't got the brains to figure it out.. ArGH! I don't even know I can pass not.. But it doesn't look so.. It's supposed to be easy!!! But I think this test is this year's easiest a-math test I've done.. So I can't pass it.. I'm really very very very lousy at maths.. No hope.. A gone case.. *HOPING I CAN PASS~*
Going back to my math soon... *pulling up my socks...* Hahahazz..
NEEDA WORK HARD!!! Very fast jiu final-year examinations le..
**amoi** XD
9:02 PM
Belicia's birthday party...
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Yesterday went in search of Belicia's prezzie... We each gave her sth.. then buy another combine prezzie for her... Hahazz.. Can't help it.. She's too nice le.. Hahazz... mUacKz~ Bought a shirt... Actually everyone of us bought the same shirt... Hahazz...
Went to belicia's birthday party today.. We, meaning JF KY Rasiah and I, wore the same shirt to Belicia's place.. Then we were like... Same shirt lehz~ Hahazz.. Make her jealous... Then we said we nvr buy one for her... Hahazz.. But after that me took the shirt out and gave it to her larhz... Then after she changed into the shirt we gave her, her dad brought us to Heartland Mall to have lunch at Pizza Hut.. Hahazz.. So good~ Went to Mini Toons after that to buy some stuff before going to Print Club to take neoprint~ YAY! I love taking neoprints~ Hahazz.. Good invention they've got there... Hahazz..
Went to Toa Payoh to watch Spiderman 2. The show quite nice larhz.. But some scenes.. Hahazz.. Went to the arcade too.. Quite fun larhz.. Don't have the drum thing.. So sad... Hahazz..
Back at Belicia's place after watching Spiderman 2, put down our bags and went down to the nearby basketball court to play bball.. bAsKeTbAlL rOx~ Belicia's cousins are damn good lorz... Even Jia Hao (not sure abt the name larhz..) also damn good.. Pri3 only.. Hahax.. Sec3 here must really feel zhi bei.. Hahazz..Very long nvr play bball le.. Hahazz.. Today go play.. So shuang.. But me aint good.. Haix.. Wish i can go play bball every weekend.. Haix.. But Jf they all cannot.. Feel like buying a basketball.. Hahazz.. Saw Nathaniel today... Really is very shy lorz.. Hahazz..
Anywayz, after playing then we went up to have dinner and cut the birthday cake.. Got 2 birthday cakes, 'cos it's also Belicia's cousin's (Raymond.. Spelling correct?) birthday... So.. HaPpY BiRthDaY to BeLiCiA and RaYmOnD~ Apparently, Raymond was from Ai Tong School too.. Me and Kah Yan from Ai Tong also.. Hahazz.. Then class 6D.. Hahazz.. Same class as when I was in ATS.. He graduated in the same year as my brother.. *wondering if they know each other..* Hahazz..
After eating the cake, we decided to go downstairs to the void deck to play Truth or Dare.. Quite fun... Hahazz... I only dont like my dare... BELICIA!!! Ya watch out on tues.. *that is if I can still rem.. Hahazz..* The Jia Jun really very unlucky.. Hahazz.. Always kena.. Hahazz..
Went home with Rasian KY and JF after that.. All of us took 853 from Serangoon, then stop at Khatib train station... They take train home.. then I walk home.. Hahazz..
All in all, today is a very fun and enjoyable day~ Thanks Belicia, for inviting us to your birthday party! muAckZ~ *hugZz*
**amoi** XD
11:38 PM