Performance at Sentosa...
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Reached home at arnd 8.55 p.m. Hahazz... The performance at Sentosa was quite fun in my point of view larhz... The whole performance was called "Fountain Of Youth" . Got 5 schools performing... 6 dances.. 1 from Bukit Batok Sceondary School (I think so...), 1 from Anderson, 2 from National Junior College, 1 from Mayflower Secondary and 1 from Sembawang Secondary School (I think so too.. Hehezz..). Begining to start liking performing... Hahazz.. Like so fun.. But I still don't like my pri school de.. Hahazz.. I like the Sembawang Sec the most! Really good lorz... So nice to watch~ hahazz.. I don't really like Mayflower Sec de dance... Hahazz... They got gold for SYF... But not my cup of tea larhz... Hahazz.. Then they like so messy and all... Hahazz... NJC de frist dance is better than the second.. The second dance not really nice... Not my cup of tea again~ Hahazz...
Read the Straits Times report on the Basketball B'girls final... Not really happy about what the reporter wrote anywayz... Hehezz.. Like one-sided view of the whole match lidat... Quote from there "He screamed at his players, stamped his feer and pleaded with the referees. But 66-year-old Anderson Secondary School basketball coach Lim Loh Huat just could not inspire his girls to win the School National B Division championship." I feel that it's really bias of the reporter to say tt... 'Cos it's like the reporter's implying that our players are lousy lidat... Maybe it's because of my lousy eng larhz.. But tt's the impression my friend and I get... But what i want to say is, in a match it isn't easy to hold your posession of the ball (or whatever sports ya playing), aim and shoot at the same time with opponents all arnd you, "hungry" to get posession of the ball... You may say that a good player shld be trained to do so... But have you really given a thought to the amount of pressure the players have... Imagine the degree of sadness that they feel, when they lost the game... You think they didn't want to win? They've done a really good job... And I think they're just so great... I think i side-tracked? Hahaz... I don't know... My english ain't that good... So maybe i got the wrong idea about what the reporter is trying to get through... So...
**amoi** XD
9:25 PM
Later got to go school and prepare for the performance at Sentosa.. SO sian.. Don't feel like going... Hahazz.. Then until night time lorz... Today cannot study again le.. Hahazz.. *Sigh* Go prepare my stuff to go school le..
**amoi** XD
11:02 AM
Friday, April 23, 2004
Today overslept lorz... 7 then wake up... Hahazz... Then me was like " Oh shit! Why is it so bright already?!?! What time is it now?!?!?!" Hahazz... Immediately jumped right out of my bed... Got dressed quickly and went down... Jocelyn was waiting for me... So good de.. Hahazz.. Lucky nvr late for school... Or else will feel damn guilty...
After school went to Jurong Sports Hall to watch the Bball B'girls final against SCGS... It was a very good game.. Our players played very well lorz... Then I think the star player of the match was Vanessa lorz... 'Cos she keep on scoring... And the way she zig-zag arnd the whole court was damn nice... Hahazz... Then Sandra de rebounding skills good lorz... So nice to watch them play... Enjoyed the whole match... Except that I didn't expect SCGS de girls to be so... er... how should i say... bad? We were standing there... Then I think they ex-scgs de... They go stand behind us... Then they were like saying our cheer were so soft... then dont know what we are saying... Eh, Hello? Excuse me... YOUR sch is an all girls school lorz... Then I reckon most of the them the voice should be quite high de lorz... I mean they are all girls what... We are a mix school lorz... Guys de voices of cos is deeper than the girls de what... We ying-yang ping heng... What you want... And by the way, just in case that you all didn't realise it... We don't know what you all are shouting and cheering... And they were saying that our school the players... Only Vanessa can play.. The others all cannot make it...(Tt's what I think they were implying? the meaning is there larhz...) HEY! You know what is called basketball? Basketball is a team sport... You need playerS (notice the "s")! This is not a one on one match... And anywayz, we have an outstanding player... And I can't remember any player of yours displaying the qualities of it... Or should I say... No one can rem... And, Vanessa's hairstyle is CUTE! She got her own style... And, it's nice... So stop saying what hairstyle is that... Or are you all just plain jealous that you all don't have a style of your own? The uniqueness... Oh, by the way, don't keep suan-ing our players... And in front of us somemore... We don't suan yours k... I forgot!! We got good characters what... Don't go arnd suan-ing other ppl... I really feel like turning around and say " I didn't know SCGS de girls yuan lai is so short de... Short nvrmind... No character also..." Hehezz... 'Cos me already is short le.. Then they still shorter than me... Hahazz... Sorry to all those innocent de SCGS girls... I really must let off some steam... Or else I'm going to be like an active volcano and explode... Really feel like screaming now that I'm recounting what I've heard!! Really sorry... I've got no tolerance for this kinda things de... Hahazz...
Congratulations to both Anderson and SCGS de players for clinching the 2nd and 1st place respectively~
Anderson can get 2nd place I feel it's very good le... And I'm sure everyone feels tt too! Keep up the good work!! You guys rocks the world!!
**amoi** XD
10:45 PM
A quiz...
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Your Energy is Blue. You are a creative thinker
with an active imagination. Artistic and
talented, you want to reach the stars and bring
them down to form. You are trustworthy, honest
and reliable. Others feel comfortable in your
presence as you project a non-threatening,
serene energy.
You would do well in any of the helping
professions, as an artist, singer, diplomat,
orater, or clergy member.
What color is your energy?
brought to you by Quizilla
**amoi** XD
6:39 PM
Thanks a lot!
Actually, we were supposed to have a geography test yesterday. but Mr Ismail postponed it to tmr so that our class is having the test on the same day as 3/7... So later needa study lorz... Then horz.. tmr got Chem (maybe only..), Geography, English and got Chinese spelling lorz... *Sigh* Hahazz... Still needa do hw... Write finish this entry jiu go and do le... Just hope I doesn't fall alseep... Hahazz... Should have go and buy the NesCafe Mocha... Hahazz...
Today, Jia Fang, Kah Yan, Nora, Wynee, Belicia and Rasiah gave me my birthday present... So nice!!! So creative too lorz... *warms my heart* hahazz.. It's really very very good... The story's quite nice too~ The almighty sage... Hahazz... Then the watch damn nice lorz... So unique de!!! Hahazz.. Then the neoprints... And the messages with it... So touched!!! Hahazz... Ni men dui wo tai hao le... Hahazz.. I don't usually wear a watch... 'Cos guai guai de... Hahazz.. But I'm going to wear the watch~ Hahazz... Thanks a lot~ *HuGs & KiSsEs*
**amoi** XD
6:17 PM
gEt wElL sOoN!!!
Saturday, April 17, 2004
So early wake up~ Hahaz... Going running later... But not going swimming le... Must call Si Hui later... 'Cos must go visit my brother in hospital... Someone kicked him in the eye... Then his eye injured... So my parents brought him to SGH... Then jiu warded there lorz... 'Cos his eye (i don't know is eye or eyes larhz... Hope it's only 1 lorz...) see two images... As in we see things very forcus... Only 1 image... Then he see is 2... I think one is real de... 1 is virtual... Or something... not real? Then my mama say he walk can bang into the wall, 'cos don't know which one is the real object... So sad de... Must get well soon... No one "fight" with me at home... *Sigh* So poor thing de... mUsT gEt wElL sOoN!
Me 1 whole day nvr see him le... Then yesterday my mama they all come home so late... Arnd 2+ a.m. I think... Me yesterday very tired... So go slp first le... But, like so guilty lidat... =(
**amoi** XD
8:00 AM
Friday, April 16, 2004
Kah Yan gave me a Stefanie Sun de poster~ Hahazz... So good and kind of her! Love ya lots~ Hahazz... Then she and Belicia say Monday then give me birthday prezzie... Say wanna keep me in suspense... hahazz... So bad de~ Hahazz... I don't like suspense~ hahazz...
Forgot to bring my wallet to school today... So careless de me... Hahazz... Went home after school to take my wallet and birth-cert all that... Going to make I/C... And take neoprint~ Hahazz... The neoprint de machine damn nice lorz... Wanna take again~ Hahazz... Don't know why... Me just love taking neoprints... Hahazz...
Needa study le... So mant tests next week.. *Sigh* Don't like tests... Hahazz...
**amoi** XD
8:56 PM
Today... Or should I say yesterday? Hahazz... My birthday~ Hahazz... Very happy~ So many ppl know it's my birthday, then wished me Happy Birthday... Hahazz... So gan dong... tHaNkS~ My dance de friends (Si Hui, Chong Hui, Katarina, Zi Wei, Yu Xin... At least tt's all I know larhz... Hahazz...) + Jocelyn gave me a skirt... I don't wear skirt~ Hahazz... But the skirt very nice... Maybe I'll make an exception and wear it... Hahazz... Then Si Wee, Wee Ter, Nasri, You Ying, Sebastian gave me a birthday card... Quite nice~ Like it alot~ Hahazz... Then YingzZz and Jia Jia gave me a bracelet... Me and Ying bought one for Jia Jia on her birthday, then me like it alot~ hahazz... Then we went back... No have le... Hahazz... Then Ying found it~ Hahazz... ThAnkEw~
Tmr going to make I/C le... Hahaz... 'Cos going to take neoprints with my friends... Then might as well go make I/C lorz... 'Cos near mahz... Hahazz...
Now rushing through my hw... Lit... So much hw de... Then still got project... *Sigh* All because of Lit, I'm still here... Online... Finding info... Doing it... And such an "early" time...
Tmr, or rather... later have Physics SPA test... *Sigh* Hope can pass lorz... With flying colours the best~ Hahazz...
**amoi** XD
12:00 AM
Day at school...
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Today was so damn cool... Hahazz.. At least for the front part of the day arhz... Mrs Chong was very very late today... Hahazz... She thought today is Thursday lorz... Then thurs is e-maths mahz... Is another teacher, not her prob le... Hahazz.. Then imagine the surprise she got when she saw Ms Leow walking arnd (sight-seeing?), when she should be having lesson then lorz... Hahazz... It was then that she knew of the correct day of the week... Which is Wednesday~ Hahazz.. By the time she reached our class, it was already... like... Arnd 8.25? Hahazz... Then the lesson was supposed to end at 8.40 de... but then she extend it to 9... Hahazz... Poor us~ But, in a way it was good too la... Learn more... So can pass the maths tests and exams... Hahazz... With flying colours~ So yeah...
The later part of the day... A lil' sad larhz... 'Cos it's like... Hmms... I don't wanna say larhz... Hahazz... Then me during EFL... Really is xiang ku... Hahazz... The tears nearly rolled out!!! Hahazz... But... No, it didn't... Hahazz... Me this week... Like yi zhi feel like crying... Hahazz.. *cRaZy*
Later needa go do hw le... A-maths de... Coordinate Geometry... Then still got E-maths de graphs... I think left 3 graphs... Hahazz... Actually long ago jiu must hand up de... But... I nvr do mahz... Hahazz.. So going to complete it today and hand in tmr...
**amoi** XD
7:45 PM
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Cried today... Hahazz.. Tears rolled down my eyes... Don't know is stress or what larhz... Was doing my maths tuition de hw... Then I don't know how to do some of the questions... But got 2 of the 3 questions that i don't know how to do, my tuition teacher taught me during the last lesson 'cos the questions were one of the questions for last week de hw... And i was like... "Shit... Why can't I rememeber how to do it?!?! Why am I so stewpig... Why don't I understand how to do it? " I really can't remember how to do it lorz... Then I rememeber how much more maths hw I have... Especially E-maths, then the chi hw... And I still needa study for my geog test... At that moment, me really is wanna give up lorz... Hahazz... Sounds so stewpig to me now... Wanna give up over such a small thing... But, at that moment me really is don't want study... Don't want do anything... Feel like throwing all my books away... What for study when I'm so stewpig as to cant do and understand these qn and and formula and apply them when it shld be easy... Feel like crying again... Hahazz... Stewpig me...
Sometimes really wanna die... 'Cos dying... Like... Die liaoz jiu no problem lidat? Hahazz... Although it may not be the case larhz... The loved ones u leave behind will be like so sad and pained that if ya still can see them, ya'll regret it... Hahazz... And dying don't solve the probelms... Ya just leave the problems behind for others to solve it... Hahazz... But, really can't help feeling so... Hahazz... Anywayz, I don't dare to go and try committing suicide or whatever larhz... I still wanna go Japan and Korea... and learn as many languages as I can...
Still needa study geog... Feels tired of studying... And, tmr sure will be very taxed de... Got alot of hw needa hand in on tuesday, then still needa learn chi spelling, then still got maths tuition... cAn'T tAkE iT~
Feels warm at heart to know that still got ppl care for me... Hahazz.. Me crazy le... Hahazz... tHaNkEw all for showing care for me~ *tIgHt hUgZzZ*
**amoi** XD
9:04 PM
Friday, April 09, 2004
Friday... And I really mean friday... Hahazz... Went ice-skating... Quite fun... Learnt backward sliding.. Or whatever u call that... Hahazz.. The crossing of the legs over each other too... Hahazz... Haven really master it... Really hope to master it... And I wanna learn how to really brake too... Those kinda like cutting the ice de... Hahazz... Then horz, Si Hui says that Thiam Chye smells of chocolate... Hahazz... But he say he nvr eat choco... Hahazz... Wanna go ice-skating again... Hopes im successful in dragging Belicia they all in going... Hahazz...
**amoi** XD
11:27 PM
Pissed off...
Thursday... Hahazz... Was hoping that the day would end quickly... Then can enjoy tmr... Which is Good Friday and a public holiday. But, apparently the teachers doesn't think on the same line... Piling tons and tons of hw on us... Not wanting us to enjoy the extra 1 day of holiday... Plus the weekend larhz... but... It's only 1 more day what... Hahazz... By the end of the day, see the whole pile of hw jiu sian le... But, still going ice-skating tmr... Hahazz... Then Saturday got the April Games...
Was really tired after dance... Went to my babysitter's place to visit her...'Cos really is very long nvr go visit her le... Then since tmr no school... Jiu go visit her.. Hahazz... So happy lorz... She still remembers my birthday... Hahazz... Slept at her place le before going home... hahazz
Damn pissed off with my that so-called "sister"... Hit her hand... She's just lucky I nvr slap her... Was eye-ing it for very long... But still decides against it... Hahazz... She still say wanna kick my ass... So crude de... Hahazz... Mei You Jian Shi, so like her... so uncivilised. But, the sad thing is... She can't... She doesn't have the ability to kick my ass... Before she can kick my ass, I would've already kick her off to Venus... Weakling... I'm so damn pissed off...
**amoi** XD
12:19 AM
I'm so stupid...
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Wednesday... Actually have geog test today de... But, the test paper wasn't zapped yet... Apparently there was a miscommunication between the clerk and my teacher... As i called it larhz... So we don't have the test until the next lesson, which is next week... Hahazz... But next week we going to have 2 geog tests... *Sigh* This week go alot of hw lorz... Why the teacher so ke bo de... Only 1 day holiday... Jiu give so much hw... Hahazz... But still for our own good larhz... Hope can finish my fri... But fri i going out... Then saturday also going out... Then tt leave me with only Sunday to do?!?!?! NNOOO!!!! I needa study de~!!! Hahazz... Must really plan my time carefully... Cannot all play and no work... But... But... Weekdays we study alot le... Do alot of hw le... But... That's not enough to ensure we pass the tests with fliying colours? Hahazz... Oh no... Debating with myself...
Going ta do my hw later le... Then hoping to do some of the weekend de hw... Hahazz... Common tests coming lorz... Week 6... And now is already Week 3 le... The tests like so fast de... We the 11th week then hols... But then the tests all so fast... After it still got like 4 weeks? Must start studying from now le... Otherwise like last term... Not enough time to study 'cos start studying too late... Then the grades come bak like shit lidat...
A-maths test... I think I'm one of the ones that Mrs Chong will suggest to to drop A-maths and concentrate on E-maths... 'Cos like can't cope... But I really want to continue taking A-maths... I don't wanna drop... *Sigh* Really hope I'm not one of them... I hate myself for only realising how to do the question after Mrs Chong collected the paper...
I really really must do well this year... to build the foundation for next year... I can't have another chance... I'm only going to be 15 once~ I can't always think of playing so much!!! *aRgH* I think I'll go study and do my hw after this...
**amoi** XD
5:43 PM
Maths test... FUNctions is not at all fun...
Monday, April 05, 2004
Had the maths test today... So sickening one... I know how to know when it isn't exam or test time... But when is exam/test... me jiu forget everything... *aRgH* Must practise!!! But... Sometimes I really can't find the motivation to do it... *Sigh* Useless person I am...
FUNctions is not at all fun...
Had tuition just now... Alot don't know how to do... Going to do my homework soon... Then trying to finish my tuition hw before Saturday... This week got Good Friday... So don't needa study for 1 day~ Hahazz... Yay!! That means I don't have dance too~ Double Yay!!! Hahazz...
Go do my hw le...
**amoi** XD
8:36 PM
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Went to the library to do hw with KY... Hahazz... A little only lorz... *Sigh* Then the e-maths is draw graphs one... So sian lorz... Later must really try to do some... Practised doing function questions... Tmr have function test lorz... *Sigh* Really hope I can pass... oh yar, I don't understand how to do coordinate geometry... Really is... So disappointed with myself... Hahazz... Stewpig me...
Went to eat at Dèlifrance for dinner... The mushroom soup again... Hahazz... Ate the Bbq Chicken D'lectable again... Going to try other meals the next time i go... Hahazz... So far only ate 2 different kinds of meals... Must try everything... Hahazz... After that went to take photo for my I/C... Came out like shit... Hahazz... Must be my stewpig face in there... Must go take again... Went home after that... So full~ Hahazz...
Talked about my birthday with Kah Yan... Hahazz.. She got 5566 concert on the same day... Hahazz... As in I celebrate later larhz... But really hope Belicia and the rest free... Then we 1 group can celebrate together~ Hahazz... Then hope can go Belicia's place... Then play le can go orchard~ We wanna buy the same shirt... So go out tt time can wear the same~ Hahazz... I was suggesting that we all wear the same shirt, shorts, socks and shoes... Hahazzz... Then Ky said might as well change the face too... Then become identical "twins"... Or rather... "sextuplets" 'Cos we hope the six of us will buy the same one larhz... hahazz...
*Hope can pass the Functions test tmr~*
**amoi** XD
7:45 PM
Busy day~
Saturday, April 03, 2004
So late still haven't sleep~ Hahazz... Today.. or rather... yesterday was a very busy day... Thurs nvr really finish my hw... Math don't know how to do... Then only studied a little for my Physics test... Then I forgot to bring my chinese ci yu shou ce back... Then cannot study for my chi spelling!!! Then chi is the first lesson lorz... Hahazz... Ended up going to school to study... But, the spelling still ok larhz... I only can't remember how to write 1 word... But tt word is zhao ju de... Then i not sure of the sentence too... *Sigh* Then after that was recess... Recess was spent finishing up my maths hw... Really don't understand anything at all!!! Needa ask my classmate le... So difficult de.. Maths... Physics really is no hope le... All don't really know how to do lorz... Then I draw the water wave halfway only... Time's up~ Shld try to do faster the next time... Me always not enough time de... So slow~ Hahazz
Had dance after school... Ok la... Me always dance wrongly de... Haiz... Hahazz... Then like 3 more weeks jiu must perform le... I wonder what the costume is like... Hahazz... After us still got another dance larhz... But we not in it... So my cousin, friend and I sat there and watch the badminton players train... Hahazz... Decided to play badminton next friday...
Must go take photo le... For my I/C... Hahazz... Most probably going after school to make it... But like so far lorz... Hahazz... Lavender... I think going on a fri ba...
Doing my tuition hw just now... I discovered that I'm so stewpig... The qn like so easy.... But my calculation keep on wrong de... *Sigh* Then I really is can't get the ans lorz... Must try again later...
**amoi** XD
2:38 AM